HBO CEO of Tits

Thanks for that @avclub-b162a3491dedcb1df0089d7bb02fd731:disqus . Fuck Musberger.

This sounds immensely appealing to me. Thank you.

If that line weren't in Tracy does Conan, it would not be as well regarded. I am going to go with signature joke, but damn, is it a funny one as well.

I don't hire casts for prestigious hour long dramedies, I just convince casts to take their tops off.

I'll miss those tits.

Well he certainly doesn't think its shitty, is all.

Uh, he kind of liked the show.

I'll have to try it. I loved Pushing Daisies but found Dead Like Me to be kind of insubstantial and shitty. How does that bode for my enjoyment of Wonderfalls?

Which season of the Real World were you on?

Yeah, but what're ya gonna do?

He's the leagues leading goddamn scorer, and he won 6 championships. Oh really, his age 33-41(!) seasons weren't as good as the prime of his career in the 70s? You don't fucking say. Fie on you O'neal, and I thought I would never say that to our distinguished friend.

I'm sure Mr. Abdul-Jabbar has simply noticed that The Walking Dead is not worth engaging intellectually.

Kareem is the best. You can't get much better than Airplane and Celebrity Jeopardy, while also being a thoughtful dude. Also, being one of the 5 best basketball players of all time doesn't hurt.

Musberger is tolerable. Throw Berman in to replace him and you're golden.

My Own Worst Enemy. It was a (CBS) flop, but of course NBC would have killed for MOWE numbers.

They had ER there forever, and they liked it dammit. They are just looking for their new ER.

You know, I have been questioning lately whats so wrong with firecest anyway.

Mark Brandanowicz is clearly the Josh Girard of Parks and Rec. Don't get it twisted.