HBO CEO of Tits

Great tits in Adaptation. Is that an award? Best Adapted Tits?

Or, most likely, 30 Rock.

A democratic lesbian senator? You bet your ass Jack would hate her.

Liz Lemon exclusively works on terrible shows. Did you not see any TGS clips?

It is my favorite.

My father, a navy man, always said "Oh-dark thirty" around the house, not saying "zero." It is for this reason I have not yet seen the film.

To be fair, terrorists do really fucking hate Hollywood.

Worst movie I ever saw Annie Hathaway's tits in.

True American in a TRIUMPHANT return, no less. Oh my lord it was as good as the first time, impossibly.

Black Coffee.By Which I Mean a Sunkist.

ok, I now finally get what The Hair Blair Bunch is supposed to be a play on. I never understood a single one of Super Hans band names, despite considering myself a worldly CEO. I know what chocolate is, and what homonculi are, and I sort of understand Danny Dyer's meaning to British culture, but together is baffling.

I'm not fond of teddy, personally.

I did the egg thing, but they forced us to create impenetrable cages for the eggs and then drop them off a roof. It prepared me for fatherhood.

It was probably Randy Orton again, that AWOL rascal.

Oh yeah? why don't you say that about RIZZOLI AND ISLES or FRANKLIN AND BASH?

My favorite part of last years Wrestlemania (or summerslam or something) was when they panned the crowd and Rick Rubin was there, looking all beardy.

Those fools on walking dead had no problem. Head shot after head shot after head shot.

Those fools on walking dead had no problem. Head shot after head shot after head shot.

I really like Blast from the Past still.

I can at least see where people are coming from with Saints, even though I vehemently disagree. I can't even fathom what it would take to like Grandmas boy, outside of blind affection for any movie that mentions weed at least 3 times.