HBO CEO of Tits

I really enjoyed Youth in Revolt, and Michael Cera fatigue is the only thing I can find to blame for its un-success. I just don't understand why people just up and decided to not like his persona all of a sudden. It still does it for me. I've enjoyed him in all of his work, even year one, which had many, not Cera

In a fucking shitpile where it belongs.


Me and my dad like it, so thats at least 2, if I'm doing generation math correctly.

Fuck you if you have a problem with Unforgiven.

I remember Cloverfield being a big hit with a hinterlands release.

I like pretty much every western I have seen that was made after 1970. And I watch a shitload of westerns. What I'm trying to say is that don't take my opinion on modern westerns too seriously.

Yeah, I remember miracle doing pretty all right. It certainly has a good reputation.

I don't think I will ever love a sports movie more than The Sandlot. When they get you as a kid, they got you for life. Not enough to enjoy/watch the sequels, mind you. There are standards.

@avclub-4d854debfb4d550a51d8c44865faf00e:disqus I'd try to avoid breaking both of my hands, if possible.

C'mon guys, haven't you guys ever read the bible? After God flooded the world, he felt super bad about it,so he invented rainbows as a promise to never do it again. He then later destroys Sodom and Gomorrah, basically breaking his promise.

ooh ooh! I saw this one! The answer is try to pawn it off on a lactating hooker and then kill a senator and also Paul Giamatti, if there's time.

Factory Girl was fucking terrible.

Thats the thing, Nazi uniforms looked cool as fuck. Best dressed monsters in history.

That was the season 2 episode, "Secrets and Lies." I know because in the live UCB performance of the episode on the season 2 bonus features, Donald Glover plays the part of the Shaqtopus or whatever.

OH christ, I was so incensed by jack instead of johnny, I didn't even notice you forgot BIG beef and cheddar. Have you ever even been to arby's?

Isn't he in the GI Joe movies too? or going to be or something?


Nuts to you Mcguillicutty!