HBO CEO of Tits

And Todd not liking the ending scene was baffling to me. It was very similar to the pilot of Frisky Dingo, where Killface uses the dead twin's body as a puppet to intimidate his remaining underlings. The joking macabre menace of both that moment and tonight's episode's are some of my favorite things in comedy. They

yeah, that was a weird place for Todd to draw the line.

and it was Chokely.

I'm pretty certain Justified and Sons of Anarchy are both highly profitable television shows.

Luxury! Fred Silverman once burned down the entire rural community of Thatchersville just so he could cancel Petticoat Junction.

Ugh. Just terrible Ryder. I can't imagine it to be true, but there was apparently a time when he was a darling of the internet wrestling community. He's been awful from the second I saw him. That's wrong, I enjoyed him when he was "injured" and Kane was throwing him off of high places while he was in a wheelchair and

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus I grew up in Gautier, Mississippi, and for me, and most people I knew, one of the most popular sports teams were the Mississippi Seawolves who played in Biloxi. It was them, the local HS football team, the NFLs Saints, and I think I knew a guy who liked the Braves?

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus I grew up in Gautier, Mississippi, and for me, and most people I knew, one of the most popular sports teams were the Mississippi Seawolves who played in Biloxi. It was them, the local HS football team, the NFLs Saints, and I think I knew a guy who liked the Braves?

Gus was the villain? He just had his beautiful, orderly world fucked up by those pesky, shifty, nouveau riche, meth wunderkinds.

Gumball Guardians and Banana seem to have the candy kingdom in working order, at least.

I am excited for "Mystery Dungeon" because "Dungeon" and "Dad's Dungeon" are 2 of the best episodes the show has ever done. If anyone ever asks for an entry point to the series, I always say those 2 and "Enchiridion."

Didn't we all?

Carry on, then @reuelb5427:disqus .

"Russell’s dead eyes when she goes on a spy mission in episode two are something to behold."
I will never forget her dead eyes when her brain explodes in M:Iiii. Haunting.

Cook Islands dude. It's the shit.

I would love this.

@CountBulletsula:disqus I demand 8 tribe 40 person survivor where each tribe is grouped by education. 1 of phds, 1 of masters, 1 of undergrad, 1 of technical school, 1 of high school diplomas, 1 of drop outs, 1 tribe of uneducated people with learning disabilities, and 1 tribe raised by feral wolves.

I second fans vs. favorites. Also: cook islands, all stars, and heroes vs. villains.

What's your point?

I'm a Nancy man meself.