HBO CEO of Tits

I have never seen gad in anything I enjoyed. He must have some sort of talent though, right? Maybe I should see that god musical or whatever.

I have never seen gad in anything I enjoyed. He must have some sort of talent though, right? Maybe I should see that god musical or whatever.

@avclub-51bd987933e42dce992d450b858b277a:disqus Probably should break his ankles, too, just to be safe.

@avclub-51bd987933e42dce992d450b858b277a:disqus Probably should break his ankles, too, just to be safe.

I found Samantha Who very pleasant. Still do, in fact.

I found Samantha Who very pleasant. Still do, in fact.

I get incredibly invested in money plot lines. I remember getting very, very angry at Vince the Entourage guy for throwing away money that he desperately needed to do shit like LEASE SPORTS CARS and BUY FUCK OFF BRANDO MANSIONS. Ugh, I hated that show.

I get incredibly invested in money plot lines. I remember getting very, very angry at Vince the Entourage guy for throwing away money that he desperately needed to do shit like LEASE SPORTS CARS and BUY FUCK OFF BRANDO MANSIONS. Ugh, I hated that show.

I also assumed Jerry was mentally incompetent in some way.

I also assumed Jerry was mentally incompetent in some way.

Well, I think that would work well for a scene with blind dipshit coward riders.

Well, I think that would work well for a scene with blind dipshit coward riders.



The thirties are making a comeback.

The thirties are making a comeback.

He was directly quoting me.

He was directly quoting me.

braggin' on our own midget… Doesn't matter how stumpy!

braggin' on our own midget… Doesn't matter how stumpy!