HBO CEO of Tits

fuck it. scroll down like 2 comments and see it was there already.

fuck it. scroll down like 2 comments and see it was there already.

Liar. True Grit has never been your favorite.The rest are all eligible for favorite status, though I'd have a very hard time putting Raising Arizona there, but I can see how others might.

Liar. True Grit has never been your favorite.The rest are all eligible for favorite status, though I'd have a very hard time putting Raising Arizona there, but I can see how others might.

Survivor was really good last season.

Survivor was really good last season.

Yes, obviously. but racists are stupid and miss the point. Its one of the reasons why Chapelle quit his show. This phenomenon with Blazing Saddles (a film I enjoy, my original post isn't even really about Blazing Saddles) I encounter fairly regularly is apparently less common than I assumed.

Yes, obviously. but racists are stupid and miss the point. Its one of the reasons why Chapelle quit his show. This phenomenon with Blazing Saddles (a film I enjoy, my original post isn't even really about Blazing Saddles) I encounter fairly regularly is apparently less common than I assumed.

Storm of swords is like the latter years of any tv show. Can you say long lost siblings? And wedding after wedding after wedding!

Storm of swords is like the latter years of any tv show. Can you say long lost siblings? And wedding after wedding after wedding!

That shit's for women, yo. It says DIET right in the title, so you KNOW.

That shit's for women, yo. It says DIET right in the title, so you KNOW.



Falk tried to get Fred Savage to listen.

Falk tried to get Fred Savage to listen.

It seems like someone understood and gave a usefull answer! Oh happy day. I just have a bunch of racist uncles who also happen to love Mel Brooks, and while Blazing Saddles itself isn't racist, I just know a lot of people who want to tell ni*** jokes at the office again and want something like (but not actually

It seems like someone understood and gave a usefull answer! Oh happy day. I just have a bunch of racist uncles who also happen to love Mel Brooks, and while Blazing Saddles itself isn't racist, I just know a lot of people who want to tell ni*** jokes at the office again and want something like (but not actually

Would this be a movie to cite when aged morons try to tell me "Blazing Saddles could never be made today," because its the only thing they can say where it makes ME seem like the rude one for saying they wish their entertainment was more racist?

Would this be a movie to cite when aged morons try to tell me "Blazing Saddles could never be made today," because its the only thing they can say where it makes ME seem like the rude one for saying they wish their entertainment was more racist?