
Some damn fine points  you brought up there, Freddy. Speaking as a professional parent, I would definitely NOT go with the eternal 1 year old option- absolutely foolish! They'd at least have to be dressing themselves before I'd consider it.

They DIDN'T! I couldn't fucking believe that they totally skipped over him, with his hair and his glowing orange Boehner tan. Unreal.

What teenage girl? If you are referring to Jane, she was 27 years old…

Yes, I noticed many people saying the nun character was cliche and unrealistic…which I dare say, is likely coming from the under-30 crowd.


I'm dubbing this episode "The Tell-Tale Walt". Brilliant scene at the end; lots of different interpretations here, but I got a Poe vibe off of it.

I have to admit that I had trouble understanding exactly what he said (ABJURE!) until it was written out a few times here. 
I don't know why…I rewound that part of the scene 3 times until I just gave up. I know the word, but it's definitely an unexpected choice for him.Now if Bill had said it, then that would make

Psst - you forgot Breaking Bad…I'm sure you didn't mean to! ;)

Miami Vice, number one new show in Bratislava.

I actually just got done reading the first book and am moving on the second one in the GoT series. Even though I already saw the full season of the show, there are a lot of interesting things that they left out, naturally.

Good catch!!!

What a gloriously inappropriate reference. Kudos. I seriously DID laugh out loud.

I don't know about anyone else, but I just assumed the guns they were going to use wouldn't have the silver bullets in them - therefore, tricking Mantonia into thinking they killed each other, so she'd break the spell and then they would pop right the fuck back up and kill her.

It's a good pun; as Bill informed us a few seasons ago, puns were once considered the highest form of humor; at least, in "his day". So it's cool.

And how grateful are we all for THAT? They wasted him this whole season with that sub-Twilight bullshit.

The Piiiig!!!! Hahaha…thanks for the reminder on that one! :)

For real. Case in point: Game of Thrones. To the many people who did not read the books, Ned's death was truly a shocking moment.

Marnie lived there, in the back.

I like Lorena, too; she had better chemistry with Bill than he did/does with Sookie. 
Even though she was a bit one-dimensional, there was something interesting in the small pieces of her back-story (too bad we did not get more info) and honestly, I enjoyed the flashback sequences showing us that Bill wasn't always a

CFAmick is totally right here. 
It's a completely different (and much worse) show now.