
Kudos for "Meth Damon"; take note everyone, it is most definitely a thing now.

Kudos for "Meth Damon"; take note everyone, it is most definitely a thing now.

To clarify: the "emergency" was that mother received a call from the office of the Vagina Removal Specialist, notifying her that they had an unexpected opening* for a consultation. If she did not go for the consultation, then she'd presumably have to wait a long time, since Vagina Removal Surgeries are so trendy right

To clarify: the "emergency" was that mother received a call from the office of the Vagina Removal Specialist, notifying her that they had an unexpected opening* for a consultation. If she did not go for the consultation, then she'd presumably have to wait a long time, since Vagina Removal Surgeries are so trendy right

I agree that Louie was off base, but I think his over-generalization was also a little bit right. 
That is, it seems as if more straight men are bothered by the thought of them being perceived as gay, in comparison to straight women. Of course, you also must think of the reverse: do gay men and lesbians get annoyed

I agree that Louie was off base, but I think his over-generalization was also a little bit right. 
That is, it seems as if more straight men are bothered by the thought of them being perceived as gay, in comparison to straight women. Of course, you also must think of the reverse: do gay men and lesbians get annoyed

Hahahaha! Yes! Yes, an Indian voice called Lafayette a bitch. Totally forgot about that bit of awesome in an otherwise lackluster episode for LaLa. I wish he'd wear that fabulous cut off lavender sweatshirt with the faux-jizz stains on it again. He rocked that shit.

Hahahaha! Yes! Yes, an Indian voice called Lafayette a bitch. Totally forgot about that bit of awesome in an otherwise lackluster episode for LaLa. I wish he'd wear that fabulous cut off lavender sweatshirt with the faux-jizz stains on it again. He rocked that shit.

Agreed; I also think that TB definitely overreached with this particular story, for many of the same reasons. 
I never thought I'd say this, but so far, Terry's sub-plot is turning out even worse than the insufferable ghost story from last season.Question: How will the writers manage to inexplicably tie Lafayette in to

During Season 2 (or was it 3? I'm not bothering to actually research this…) Andy becomes aware that Sam is a shifter when they team up to fight Maryanne (the Maenad). 
Despite the fact that once Andy gets to the wedding/orgy, he falls under the spell and forgets most of what happened at Sookie's, he does recall the

After giving it more thought than I really should (and that it deserves), I came to a conclusion that is similar, J.P.; we are definitely supposed to laugh about things like Hoyt's absurd, clueless faux-goth outfit. 
Let's face it; aside from most of the Vampires, very few other characters on the show have a decent

After giving it more thought than I really should (and that it deserves), I came to a conclusion that is similar, J.P.; we are definitely supposed to laugh about things like Hoyt's absurd, clueless faux-goth outfit. 
Let's face it; aside from most of the Vampires, very few other characters on the show have a decent

Rutina IS looking sexier. The clothes, the hair, the make-up, the fangs…I am loving it all. So, even though it took TB 4 seasons to get the audience interested in her character, it is worth appreciating.
Although I've never been a Tara fan, and have actually anticipated her eventual demise at many points throughout the

Rutina IS looking sexier. The clothes, the hair, the make-up, the fangs…I am loving it all. So, even though it took TB 4 seasons to get the audience interested in her character, it is worth appreciating.
Although I've never been a Tara fan, and have actually anticipated her eventual demise at many points throughout the

Well, as loathe as I am to try and find some logic to the show, it actually makes sense; prior to her ill-advised return to Bon Temps, Tara was a semi-pro "foxy kick-boxer" in New Orleans, for at least a year or so. Therefore, her being to kick even more ass than ever before is a surprising bit of continuity and

Well, as loathe as I am to try and find some logic to the show, it actually makes sense; prior to her ill-advised return to Bon Temps, Tara was a semi-pro "foxy kick-boxer" in New Orleans, for at least a year or so. Therefore, her being to kick even more ass than ever before is a surprising bit of continuity and

Poor clueless Hoyt; he walked into Fangtasia believing that they were casting for a cheesier version of "The Lost Boys".

Poor clueless Hoyt; he walked into Fangtasia believing that they were casting for a cheesier version of "The Lost Boys".

That was some quality ACTING!! on display tonight! Loved the intercut shots - and no way, those were included for ME, damn it!

Leave it to AHS to be the very first show in which part of an infant's crib is used - more than once! - in a sexually suggestive manner.