
"I guarantee you that every man in the world knows exactly how big his "prick" is and how far above or below "average" it is, and those of us who don't have "giant" penises are under no impression to the contrary. As for the "vagina-ripping" part … have you considered that it's because many women make a really,

I think Debbie actually brought Sookie to the Moon Goddess Emporium so that Marnie/Antonia would catch her - she pointed her out before she got a chance to rescue Eric AND was ready to drive away but Sookie caught up with her first.

Thank you, "it's not that bad, really" - WHY won't you guys (and I know it is GUYS) get over the damned hymen issue?

My favorite line HAD to be Jason telling Jessica he was "parrot-phrasing" what Hoyt really said about her.
Plus, it was cute that he scribbled out the insults on the side of the box.

Nice catch, Peggy! Thanks for pointing that out…and it also explains why Sookie was not too shocked about it - she did hear the spell, warned the Vamps, and that is when Eric made his move.
You're good.

Warning: fourchan doesn't know what the words "idiot" and "sarcasm" mean.

Wait, what's that you said? Andy is addicted to V? I guess I missed THAT subtle issue. Are you referring to the part where he almost whipped out a big silly straw to suck up all the dead vamp-goo right in the middle of a crime scene investigation AND television crews?

He is a sexy, sexy murderer. It's part of his charm.

I'm not going to go so far as to say you are a misogynist, but I don't think that is the point of this character - to be sexy and alluring.

Yeah, I am digging Antonia, too. Just like I did Marianne and Russell. So you know, that's one really good part of this show - they have compelling villains. But then, that is also something bad about the show - you end up rooting for them more than the "heroes", and end up missing them.
*except, of course, some of the

"Also, what's confusing to me is why the show's creators feel like they need to meddle with the book storyline - which is indisputably quite popular with the ladies - in which SPOILERS FOR BOOKS Sookie is attracted to the full-on, non-emasculated Eric."

It was very Dark Shadows. Was it an attempt at a subtle homage or loud shout out to that melodramatic, yet much more sinister vampire show? Maybe, but I'm not giving them that much credit, especially since this season has been so clunky and obvious.

She is awesome, and I would love to see her kill Tara. Soon.

interesting fashion choices this evening
So first I must say that I HATED, but LOVED, Lafayette's jizz-stain design sweatshirt. I don't think he could possibly wear anything gayer, unless it was REAL jizz. *I hate the word jizz, actually, but I have to call it like I see it.*

Anyone who watches enough true-crime shows will understand that Walter's quasi-confession/semi-gloating is typical of many criminals, regardless of their specialty. It can be argued that he didn't start off as a criminal, so to characterize him as such is wrong, but obviously, he is fully immersed in the culture by

Lots of subtext and irony, but…
come on, no one has commented so far on Hank's "DEA Fun Run 2006" shirt?

In the TB universe, continuity issues such as the one you mentioned, tearinitup, matter very little.

I appreciate your research; however, I beg to differ on the grounds that Jason was forced to have sex against his will, which in my mind, makes it rape.

Good point, PhillyGirl; the same thought occurred to me. I remember Sam smelled Tommy when he was hiding in the woods a few eps back, spying on his group.

Pam is probably going to kill Tara's girlfriend, which will motivate Tara to join forces with Marnie.
*sigh* Not looking forward to the long, blubbering, lip-quivering scene for this one.