
"Jason wasn't gang raped! Raping a man REQUIRES anal penetration against his will. Your ignarance is embarrassing."

I don't believe Alcide was ever in the employment of Russell. The only reason he got mixed up in that scene was because he was helping Sookie out, per Eric's request.

True enough; I suppose the handling of the situation just reflects the reality that male rape is not a commonly discussed issue and therefore, it is hard to deal with.

"Now that we know there are a whole troupe of shifters in Bon Temps, I don't really see the threat in werewolves and werepanthers. Can't Sam turn into a panther or a wolf whenever he wants? Or a poison dart frog, or an elephant?"

Let me amend that statement a bit - Jason did use the word rape when he asked Hoyt if Jessica raped him…but did not use it in reference to HIS situation.

What I noticed is that there was no mention of the word "rape"; instead, they used "violated". Maybe this wasn't intentional, but that choice of wording seems to indicate that Jason's character doesn't necessarily believe (or doesn't want to believe) he was raped. Or, that by purposely omitting that specific word, the

Silly Buns, you aren't alone - I was beyond thrilled to see those two get it. FINALLY!

I do agree that it would be fun to see him show up as a vampire. Come on TB writers, make it happen. Please.

Sorry Michelle!

"Anyone else catch the sly mention on the news that Fellowship of the Sun dude Steve Newlin has been "missing for six months." Turned vampire or simply setting out to re-enter the series still anti-vampire? I'm excited by that season changer."

It's annoying because it's a cheap, lazy meta-device. Sometimes meta-references work, and sometimes they don't; this just didn't work. They could have just shown her reading a book without the lingering shot of "LOOK! SHE IS READING A CHARLAINE HARRIS BOOK! HOW AWESOME/CRAZY/TWISTED IS THAT?".

"I remember reading a hypothesis that the doll is a symbol of children. In the final shot for Hoyt/Jessica, we lower to a shoddy doll in the darkness representing the fact that Hoyt and Jessica will never be able to procreate."

In the S3 finale, we saw that old, creepy doll lying on the floor of Hoyt's newly rented place. Presumably, it came with the house, along with shitty throw rugs and moldy wallpaper.
So although Maxine is a fat, cheap-curlers wearing, creepy Marie Osmond-doll buying bitch, I doubt she has anything to do with the doll.

Sookie reading a Charlaine Harris book at her kitchen table. *groan*

I'm going to have to watch the episode from last season where we got introduced to Felton, because I could have sworn that he was a cousin of hers, not a brother/half brother.
Not that I care either way, but I'm neurotic like that; I must verify.

"She mentioned it was her duty to "propagate the blood line," which making new were-panthers by biting wouldn't do, right?"

Making Jason a Werepanther…
so he can mate with Crystal doesn't make sense.
If Crystal and Felton are able to turn Jason into a Werepanther, then what is the sense of mating and making a baby when there is another way to create new Werepanthers?

Damn, I was wrong! Yet, how interesting would it be if SHE was now working for HIM?

I'm 99% sure on this one. Though if I am wrong, so be it.

The new witch…
is Sophie Anne. No one else realized that?