Nathan Rabins Non-Union Mexica

Don't end him. End his line. His sons, dead. His grandsons, dead. His great-grandsons, dead. Every single Frey, male and female, dead. No Frey blood in Westeros unless it is dripping off the point of a knife.

"Her transformation to the Great Liberator bids fair to leave a lot of wreckage in her wake if the story doesn't idealize what happens if you just take out a society's rulers and walk off. "

@RedScarab:disqus Might be a bit more complicated than that. Robb was basically raised up as King In The North by his bannermen, partially as a way to have something to keep fighting for after Ned Stark's death. 
If by some miracle Stannis won the Iron Throne *and* Robb bent the knee *and* Stannis didn't do his usual

I hope so.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Stannis couldn't even forgive Renly for declaring himself king. He wouldn't bend his strict code just to get a few ships from the other side of the continent from Balon Greyjoy. Even if he could; remember, Balon rejected an offer from Robb that would have left him King

Nah, Tommen likes his uncle, and I bet you even money he's been bullied pretty badly by Joffrey.

Or finger.

I do love me some Stannis. I thought the best scene was between him and Davos, though. Stannis seemed weirdly buoyant and flippant (well, for Stannis, anyway); you could pick up that he was trying to paper over his doubts about potentially killing Gendry from the very start.

@avclub-2d29aed617eec94760545196a88d4085:disqus Her?

@ComradeQuestions:disqus "The Usurper Nat King Cole"

Go Sharpe or Go Home.

Still no reason to drop one: arm as many people as you can with those fuckers!

Yeah, I saw that and immediately went "Sam. I am trying to like you. You just did something badass, finally. And then you go and fuck it up again. Damnit, Sam."

"he could have knocked on the front door"

"creepy sadist to frat boy d-bag"

She was actively trying to get away from Marge's Armlock of Court Intrigue there.

Dothraki, motherfucker! Do you speak it?

Talking all the time about how you're going to rape them: definitely a don't.

"you're right, it makes no sense from an ideological point of view"

As far as I can tell, it works out like this: