Nathan Rabins Non-Union Mexica

Same way they got up it, I'd suspect.

There are a thousand men in Castle Black according to Jon Snow, but most of the best rangers and fighters (a good few hundred or so) are either dead or have mutinied at Craster's Keep. I would expect the garrison to not be particularly combat-ready; stewards, builders, and recruits, as well as garrison troops.

Maybe, but isn't the entire reason that Jeor Mormont goes north of the Wall is that Benjen Stark doesn't come back after a ranging? Even if he is alive, I doubt he's anywhere near Castle Black or the Wall.

It's a pity it's already quite clear who he is; the "mystery" isn't much of one unless there's a wild, massive plot twist (every single hint so far has it pointing to it being Bolton's bastard).

If Robb goes back North:

Gives a whole new meaning to zoophilia.

I did find it odd that there was a close-up of Talisa's letter. Why do that if it's not important?

Whilst still a Tory MP (and considered a rising star until she cacked it and decided to resign), Louise Mensch wrote a column for the fashion magazine Glamour, so it's not without precedent.

Whilst still a Tory MP (and considered a rising star until she cacked it and decided to resign), Louise Mensch wrote a column for the fashion magazine Glamour, so it's not without precedent.

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus As Malcolm Tucker appears to be Glaswegian (hinted at when Peter calls him the "Gorbals Goebbels"), you would certainly be right; Glasgow has been a Labour stronghold for nearly a century, although the rise of the SNP has somewhat damaged their domination of the city.

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus As Malcolm Tucker appears to be Glaswegian (hinted at when Peter calls him the "Gorbals Goebbels"), you would certainly be right; Glasgow has been a Labour stronghold for nearly a century, although the rise of the SNP has somewhat damaged their domination of the city.

The classical liberals only really took control of the party when Nick Clegg was elected the Lib Dem leader in 2007, although they had been gaining in prominence before then. The two previous leaders (Charles Kennedy and pleasant old duffer Sir Menzies Campbell) were centre-left Scots from the social liberal tendency.

The classical liberals only really took control of the party when Nick Clegg was elected the Lib Dem leader in 2007, although they had been gaining in prominence before then. The two previous leaders (Charles Kennedy and pleasant old duffer Sir Menzies Campbell) were centre-left Scots from the social liberal tendency.

"It's not like we're the Independent. We can't just stick a headline saying CRUELTY then stick a picture of a dolphin or a whale underneath it"

"It's not like we're the Independent. We can't just stick a headline saying CRUELTY then stick a picture of a dolphin or a whale underneath it"

Scottish Labour, due to a conscious effort to court the Irish Catholic immigrant vote in the 30s, tends towards the greener end of football's most poisonous rivalry.

Scottish Labour, due to a conscious effort to court the Irish Catholic immigrant vote in the 30s, tends towards the greener end of football's most poisonous rivalry.