Nathan Rabins Non-Union Mexica

"Can't sleep. Clown will eat me. Can't sleep. Clown will eat me."

As a social inept, I envied Michelangelo's "party dude" status.

As a social inept, I envied Michelangelo's "party dude" status.

"Here's your crown, YOUR MAJESTY!"

"Here's your crown, YOUR MAJESTY!"

I've been watching season 9 recently, which is weird because of how schizophrenic it is; there are episodes I love (The Joy of Sect, Bart Carny, Lisa The Simpson, Lisa's Sax) episodes that I think hold up pretty well (Das Bus, Treehouse of Horror VIII (sans the last section), Lisa The Sceptic) episodes that are

I've been watching season 9 recently, which is weird because of how schizophrenic it is; there are episodes I love (The Joy of Sect, Bart Carny, Lisa The Simpson, Lisa's Sax) episodes that I think hold up pretty well (Das Bus, Treehouse of Horror VIII (sans the last section), Lisa The Sceptic) episodes that are

My favourite Krusty "Jewish vulgarian" joke comes from this episode
"Ah, let's see. I want a nice sandwich. But the Joey Bishop, eh, too fatty. The Jackie Mason? I dunno, sauerkraut makes me gassy. Bruce Willis? I don't even like his work! What is this? Krusty the Klown?"
"That's ham, sausage, and bacon, with a smidge

Same voice, I think, that appears multiple times in various episodes (Hank Azaria's "wiseguy" voice, which is meant to be a Charles Bronson impression), but not the usual character design we associate with the voice (dark hair, lean, moustachioed) who first appeared in "The Way We Was".

Another Season 9 addition (in "Girly Edition") but then doesn't appear till Season 15's "I, D'oh-Bot" (The Simpsons nerd in me is annoyed that the "D'oh" isn't rendered as "Annoyed Grunt"), which is a bit of a large gap between introduction and recurrence.

When he takes out a packet of cigarettes from one of the many cartons and goes "I thought so! Cigarettes!" as if Bart has carefully hidden that packet, I can't help but laugh out loud.

"Oh, relax kids. I've got a gut feeling Uter's around here somewhere. After all, isn't there a little Uter in all of us? In fact, you might say we just ate Uter and he's in our stomachs right now! Wait. Scratch that one."

Incidental characters
When watching "Bart The Murderer" over again, it struck me how good The Simpsons used to be at incidental characters; bit-parts with one or two sentences, such as the Mob goon who tells Fat Tony his race is on, or the cigarette delivery guy. It makes Springfield seem larger, more alive.

(Homer finds $20 under the couch)
"Twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!"
"Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts."
"Money can be exchanged for goods and services."
"… Woohoo!"

He's no Lord Palmerston.

Will There Ever Be A Rainbow?

Got to love the wonderful "Creation of Adam" parody as they go into the building, too.

Amanda Huginkiss? I'm looking for Amanda Huginkiss?

Actually, come to think of it, I think "Blood Feud" is the first time he uses this elaborate sarcastic fairy voice, and the first time he has a discussion with his own brain.

The deeply silly voice Homer puts on to pretend he is Mr. Burns makes that line, I think.