Nathan Rabins Non-Union Mexica

The "In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic" line, I mean.

And of course, both that and Homer's sarcastic side come together in "Flaming Moe's".

This is a game which nobody (or alternately, everybody) will win.

Hump and dewlap! Hump and dewlap!

Charles Montgomery Burns. American… Patriot. American Patriot.
Master of the atom. Scourge of the despot! OH TYRANT, HEAR HIS MIGHTY NAME AND QUAKE!

"The Simpsons are going to Delaware!"

"I, uh, stand corrected."
(to bodyguard)
"Get that punk's name. No-one makes a fool of Diamond Joe Quimby."

"I am through with working. Working is for chumps."
"Son, I'm proud of you! I was twice your age when I figured that out."

Well, I think there's certainly a moral implied there - Bart outright says "We ended up with nothing because the three of us can't share." It's just the usual "teachable moment" we suspect would normally happen at that point is subverted when Milhouse asks what his point is and Bart says "Nothing. Just kind of ticks…

Interestingly, if slightly eerily
This episode was repeated on the same night as the last episode of The Cosby Show (April 30th, 1992), with an added coda meant to pay their respects.