
I went through a really weird obsessive McCartney period, I've dismissed most of his entire solo output but Ram is still really good.

I read DDD before A Wild Sheep Chase and didn't really have any problems following it.

I'd say Dance Dance Dance for Murakami it's a short read and it almost perfectly boils down whats great about him for me.

Something Happened is one of my favourite books I think but it's one of those ones that's so tailor made for me that I can't see many people enjoying it as much as I did.

Whenever I watch Say My Name I have to watch the one made for that episode otherwise it's just unbearably sad.

To be fair Hank has been taking a dump for like a year, you'd expect to lose at least some weight.

Yeah I really like that but I can't find any word on if they're still doing it but I'm…kind of fucked if they aren't I've been counting on that as my crutch to go from week to week and I'm sure as hell not bother with Talking Bad.

After that episode I'm preparing myself for the emotional devastation of something akin to Sopranos 6B which was I think..9 episodes? 9 episodes and 8 of them are all viable for "best ever" title.

If you're seeing Julie Bowen you tell me RIGHT NOW!

It's been 20 minutes since I saw it and I'm still not breathing right.

That didn't do it for me but Jesse trying to give away the money almost made me cry like the big dumb homo I am.

It's been a great year for loathsome characters getting their faces beat in.

There's always the one thing that gets so much love but you never get it. For me it's The Wire I enjoy it enough but I wouldn't put it in my top 10, parts of it really irritated me and parts of it I really like.

I'm having a nap so to make it seem like time is moving faster and continue to have excitement outbursts until it airs when I'll probably just start crying.

That scene is fucking horrible (I mean in a good way.) It really is one of the worst things he's ever done.

Seeing as Mad Men lets you draw your own conclusions most of the time I'd say that the amount of articles for the final season will be ten fold what happens for Breaking Bad.

It's Ira sir.

Clearly this is a bigger issue than "OO new PJ Harvey!!" But…

Have you ever even seen character development you piece of shit?!

Actually I think most people liked it a lot, everyone I've talked to in real life says it was fantastic and the comments were mostly full of positive thoughts about the season.