
Oh god just typing this is making me sad but Tom Waits, one of those artists that just changed my life and I cannot state his influence on me with words. I will be an absolute wreck. A lot of my musical influences will be really hard though, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan will all devastate me as well.

If you don't like it by that point you probably never will. I really liked it when I started it but I've fallen out of love with it more and more because it just seems to be way to in love with itself. (Season 6 is an egregious example)

I read this as "Coen brothers" and almost had a heart attack.

Agreed, but I'm far more of a Dylan guy than I ever was a Beatles guy, I'd already put Tempest up there with Time out of Mind and Love and Theft as well.

I read that book over the weekend (been awhile since I've done that) it was effortlessly entertaining and very insightful into the total disaster that movie is. (It took 5 hours to shoot the infamous "ohai Mark" scene that lasts 7 seconds because Tommy couldn't remember his lines)

As far as Satan goes I prefer him in The Master and Margarita

The A.V. Club is being such a non-pillow right now!

I don't know if his prose is all that bad but his characters are the most bland boring characters ever constructed, I've never been able to get past 50 pages of any of his books because I find them so horribly dull.

Outsourced was the new friends!

Im not too sad about Chris and Ann leaving but Leslie and Ann's goodbye is going to destroy me, I know it.

I've never tried as hard to like a show as I have Adventure Time, still get incredibly bored by it.

Grandpa's speeches are some of my favourite pieces of writing in the entire show, and that's saying something.

To be fair they might not want to hear it because the details of the finale are enough to lower the IQ of an entire room in 5 seconds flat.

I've been in the mindset of there being something special tonight and when I realize that, that something special is Breaking Bad I get incredibly depressed.

He definitely is that, but I love David Milch enough to watch Nathan Lane in this.

I am just now learning that it wasn't an iPad

I really love the Fringe finale but I feel I'd enjoy that show more if it didn't go off the rails in the last two seasons.

Reading this I'm surprised by the amount of really good finales there are, I mean I watch way too much and I can't really think of any offhand that I outright hate.

"Fuck you all up the wrong'un!"

I really love the small bits of the reunion in Curb, it was a great way to do it.