
Huh…yeah that seems like it…should have happened. Maybe H. Jon Benjamin and Peter Serafinowicz?

All 3 of these things make me very happy, also along with the news that the family will be back together for whatever comes next.

With the humungous hype about who 12 would be the only two who would get me watching again were Idris Elba and Peter Capaldi so…

Weathers is too busy collecting Grinch dolls for his restaurant C.W Swappigans I believe.

Unless she wins then he'll be one Lonely Boy!

I enjoy both aspects equally which is why I think this show is such a great success. I can analyze certain things like just when Walter lost the plot completely and also enjoy the gut twistingly intense stuff like the train robbery in Dead Freight.

I like Last Exit to Springfield a lot but I genuinely don't get why it's always gets best episode ever title.

By far my favourite simpsons episode there's hardly 30 seconds in it with a joke that doesn't land for me.

I read part of that email because who isn't interested in seeing Jack White throw a shit fit against The Black Keys? Now I feel really dirty and I'm going to take a shower. (To be clear because I felt really bad reading someone's personal emails.)

But when will we get a model of the model home!?

Clearly the Master would be played by The Fucker or Steve Fleming.

Aw fuck…

How bout' no.

Carlos Danger: The Scrotuming

I was upset at first but then I realized they're the two most useless characters on that show so…

I feel like I should try to get over my prejudice for bands consisting of 4 beardy blokes in plaid but I also feel like it's saving me from a lot of samey music.

Bowie's new album is the first album in a LONG time I played about 30 times in the first month. Like I went WAAY over the top with that one, and I couldn't stop myself and it was glorious.

Nick Cave's new one unfortunately came out right around Bowie's new one.

Every time I listen to Comedown Machine I enjoy but I've heard it 3 times and can't hum a refrain or remember any lyrics or practically anything on the album…

To not like Vampire Weekend simply start on them by listening to Contra. That was months ago and even with the great word of mouth I can't bother listening to Modern Vampires.