
I was feeling the same way I've never seen a show fall apart as fast as weeds did plus I read something from the creator and I'm paraphrasing here that was basically "We can stretch this shit out!"

How the fuck have I missed these?

Hmm actually have heard great things about Heart is a Lonely Hunter so I think I shall go there next!

Haha Steinbeck is probably my all time favourite author, but he's the only modernist I REALLY love.

So now we have the long wait to whatever is next so it's about now we start the time killing yes? How bout' a season ranking thread?

Hurwitz has already said that no matter how they return the whole purpose of the next incarnation is to have the Bluths back together again.

More so than the other seasons, I can be reading a perfectly normal sentence and just end up face down on my desk laughing because maybe the phrase "Are we good?" came up.

Im reading A Farewell To Arms I'm not much of a Hemingway guy but it's enjoyable so far.

Dont read Child of God

What…I didn't even add anything on I just said "Oh it's a minor spoiler don't worry"

The build up to a new season of Breaking Bad is almost as hype filled as the run up to Christmas is for me. (Or whatever your preferred winter holiday is.)

Just add a few of my favourites

Yeah I think it's a really good send off, plus the whole "risky" scene is one of my personal favourites.

Man it's been really fun talking about new Arrested Development episodes with you guys (Still not quite over that.)

I actually had to stretch myself thin with just those 5, I realized I've mostly been re-watching old favourites and keeping up with shows I already know I like.

It's not that big of a spoiler actually, I kinda forgot it happened until I saw it on here.

So far my list is:


I usually go through a big Smiths phase and go "Why don't I listen to them all the time?" Then I read something he said and go "Gosh he's a bit of a twat" and move on to something else only for the process to repeat a year or two down the line.

Man we really need a TV club classic for Blackadder.