

Man I thought at least Will Arnett and David Cross would get a mention they were really outstanding this season.

Crazy beard Jesse is really doing it for me.

One of my biggest laughs of the season is Lucille and Buster discussing his Kennedy costume. There's so many great lines in there.

A New Attitude is one of my favourite episodes of the entire show and Off The Hook was a damn fine one right until that dance.

I think this will be a great addition to the Bootleg Series but whenever someone I love like Dylan puts out something new (I say new) I get like crazily super 5 year old before christmas level excited.

I've had to convince SEVERAL people I'm gay because apparently being into musicians like Tom Waits, Captain Beefheart and Nick Cave means I can't possibly be gay nope they are reserved for only the straightest of men.

Yeah thats a pretty shoddy write up. I'm a hardcore Dylan geek and I'm pretty excited for this despite not enjoying Self Portrait all that much. (It's alright and nowhere near as bad as they say.) But this looks like an outstanding entry to the bootleg series, bunch of stuff on there from New Morning too.

They're probably tired by being chased by all those bears!

Which of the Watchmen Babies is your favourite?

I'm the same way with Deadwood, it would probably be my favourite show regardless but it's what I watched with my grandfather before he died. Always holds a special place in my heart.

To quote the Bluths themselves "It feels so good to laugh again!"

Definitely, I have a cousin who's being go through this for ages rehab and then relapses and relapses. After a certain point you just don't know what's best.

I'll show you how not gay I am.

Sounds like you could take a few lessons from "And As It Is Such, So Also As Such Is It Unto You."

See, I'm watching Orange is the New Black which I really really like but as I'm watching it I do realize this is just a normal season it could have been on any other cable network and aired weekly. No one would notice.


You know I think most people enjoyed season 4. The majority of the complaints I've seen come from people who've only watched like 3 or 4 episodes, due to the nature of the season those hardly even count.

Yeah I had to rewatch it over about two weeks and it was SO much better that way. I really burned myself out doing it the marathon way, like I didn't even laugh at Tobias' now infamous homecoming in episode 5 the first time.

Hopefully for season 5 I can learn to pace myself and not blow through the whole thing in about 2 days. That was really a bad idea on my part but I don't think it was ever not going to happen.