
I loved season 4 and I like it more than season 3 but if this season 5 happens I would like Mitch Hurwitz to get an editor that isn't him.

Season 4 is definitely great but it does have a few issues and I do actually prefer season 4 to season 3. It's just simply too bloated there is WAY too much material here which should have either been lost or kept for whatever's next.

next you'll be telling me they got like quadruple pneumonia

Fucks sake guess I better watch this.

How long until O'Neal just gets transferred over to The Onion? Because every goddamn thing he writes here is golden.

Let the homophobia begin!!!!

I just had a moment where I was like where I was like "I wonder if they can pull off a movie I mean it's a different process maybe they won't get it right."

I was just wondering when do you think we're gonna hear news about AD's future?

Every time I see a headline like this I have two thoughts:

Modern Family is something I watch with my family and season 4 (Of either show really.) has made me realize just how much I don't like that show. Then again I am a cold cynical bastard so "Awful people doing awful things" appeals to me much more than "Family can be a handful but it's worth it damn it!"

So I always thought Tony Wonder was a bit annoying in the original show but in season 4 he became one of my favourites of the weird secondary characters AD loves so much.

Busters episode was probably the most laugh heavy for me tied with A New Attitude.

I do not understand this lifestyle

Uhh I've seen a few episodes it's not as just offensively bad as Life's Too Short but it is incredibly unmemorable and Gervais really goes overboard on the emotional moments.

Fantastic I don't know why the music from season 4 is so catchy but now Im going to be walking around singing a medley for the rest of the day.

I stopped reading after the first sentence, as a die hard Gervais fan and as a fan of comedy in general Life's Too Short was an unfunny mess from the get go.

Exactly, my thought process in a bookstore is either picking up something from an author I already know I like, picking up something that someone recommended to me or picking up something completely random because it intrigues me for whatever reason.

I read that this year too!

They certainly enjoy that fellow Yeezus.

Despicable C 2 more like, yeah?