
I hope they can get the audience to be able to sympathize with the jesus character

Wall-E is genuinely one of my favourite movies it's so perfectly contained I would also be pissed if they just decided to tack on a story about rebuilding the earth.

I keep getting bewildered as to why I keep seeing these James Gandolfini articles…

Infinite Jest remains the angriest I've ever been at a book. I was determined to finish that thing and got to page like 900 and seriously wanted to quit I hated it so much. But at that point quitting was just unacceptable. (I enjoyed the first 300 or 400 pages and the rest was an angry slog.)

I'm reading the Master and Margarita at first it was kind of hard going but oh my fuck Im in love with this book. For those who don't know its about the devil coming to a small town in Russia and wreaking havoc in it in the 1930s. If that premise doesn't interest you, you must be dead inside.

I was thinking about how so many of the plots this season sound fucking atrocious on paper but when you actually watch them the majority of them work really well.

Eh, most critics aren't sure how to handle this yet. It happened with House of Cards and now AD. With House of Cards getting a second season and Netflix hoping for more AD hopefully critics will realize current methods don't work and will try to work out new systems.

Am I the only one who felt Smashed was one of the strongest episodes of season 4? In fact it's one of my favourite episodes in the entire run. There's so many great bits in there Tobias' weird perch above Michael in the model home, ANYTHING involving the rehearsal for the musical "You write the same juvenile melody…

Glad I dont have to feel so ashamed for laughing REALLY hard at that.

Was I the only one who didn't care about Bob Benson? He just didn't interest me in the slightest. That said near the end of the season he was really entertaining hitting on Pete and what not.