
As a just-turned-36 idiot, I say we're not really millennials. The media seems to have gradually rewritten the rules for what constitutes the "true" millennial age group. By the previous standard accepted, we're the final years of what constitutes Gen-X (I've seen up to 1982 as the cutoff pretty often) - but yeah, in

"The Last Ride"? I liked it quite a bit, but it's nothing too special. Worth a look, though.

There were also a lot of production problems with HD-DVD discs themselves, for whatever reason. There's lots of threads around on the net from people who've tried to load up one of their HD-DVD discs and found that not only has the movie they were trying to watch ceased to load, so has nearly every other HDD disc

Ah yeah, hadn't thought of the xmas shit, they may have put their usual reruns on hiatus. Up 'til now though, you could catch an hour each of GG/Cheers/Frasier from around like 12am-3am, then they'd run (usually the same eps, but minus Cheers) the following morning around 8am-10am.

Ah, but tis not so - the girls Golden are still on Hallmark Channel every day, just in odd time slots (late at night/early in morning).

I'm guessing the soccer deal is part of their problem. There's plenty of stuff I'd watch on FXX, but I can't, because my cable package still has the channel as part of the sports tier that I don't subscribe to. I bet there's a similar problem for lots of other people too.

It was in the first episode and the rapee was Lil' Wayne. The sketch was essentially set up around a reality-show camera crew documenting his day-to-day life in jail, while Wayne continues to act like a gangsta badass - which, of course, backfires greatly in various ways with the prison population of *actual*

My guess is someone at CC probably decided it was "too similar" to their new Chris Hardwick "@Midnight" show, because you know, a host and three comedians standing behind podiums.

They had a bunch of direct-to-video "movies" (I think most were probably only 30-50 minutes…look, I worked at a library, okay?) and those might have been aired on Disney, but yeah, think it was during the same time they were on "Full House" mostly (and some after too).

Not to mention SBTB has never left the airwaves as far as I know. Even today, I know it runs on MTV2 and apparently now E!, and I think either TBS or Nickelodeon run it too, or at least did a year or so back. (And they even showed The College Years!). Obviously somebody's still watching this thing beyond just some

Well I'll be damned. New knowledge!

They had some kind of personal falling-out that I believe continues to this day. Forget the details, but I think Kamal (is that his name?) claims that the other dude (Johnny?) wasn't splitting profits fairly or something like that. The latter guy does voices on Family Guy and other stuff now, no idea what Kamal's up

I did always wonder how the hell Sweeney wound up in there. It's like she just happened to be hanging around the set and they needed someone to fill the role fast or something.

Yeah, I always liked it too. Not exactly an "underrated classic" or anything, but it's much better than its reputation suggests and worth a look on a can't-find-anything-on-Netflix kinda day.

Nah, not sure really, but it seems like it's typically things where someone "names names" in regards to one conflict or another that they ran into, and frequently seems to involve guest stars and/or potential guests. (Basing that mostly on context and some other commentaries where someone will be reminded that they

And I wouldn't be surprised if that dedication card is missing from the DVDs. Almost all of them are, and I've never heard any explanation as to why, considering there's not been any other major notable omissions on the DVD versions except for these dedication cards. (In fact, I'm pretty sure there's even one

There's actually been a few KISS references scattered here and there throughout the series - the "join the Navy" episode where the sergeant mentions that the KISS Army was a secret military division, Bart screwing with some KISS wax figures at a rock museum exhibit, Homer in his teen years being shown dressed as Ace

Honestly, I think the definitive oral history of The Simpsons already exists - it's in the DVD commentary tracks. Someone could seriously just transcribe all of those and wind up with about as thorough of a look-back as you're probably ever likely to get from the people who were there. (Well, other than those few

It and all the other '80s specials are on Amazon Prime free streaming, so at least there's that. (Oddly, Netflix does indeed have the entire run of "Garfield & Friends," as does Amazon, but is missing the specials.)

Never thought of it that way, but yeah… Garfield might have been guilty of spawning phones, automobile air fresheners, stupid suction-cup dolls and so on… but the Peanuts characters sell fucking life insurance.