
Oooh, good excuse to point out fun fact in the Halloween special! At the beginning when Garfield shuts off the TV because of Binky but then frantically turns it back on after he realizes Binky was saying something about free candy, he flips through several channels trying to find the show again - one of the channels

God damn, homie.

Or if you have access to Amazon Prime streaming, it and all the other Garfield specials are available "free."

I too had Family Dog on the same tape as this special! It's available on Netflix, by the way - hadn't seen it since the VCR ate the tape somewhere around 1989 probably, but could still remember dialogue verbatim from watching it so often then.

Lots of stations did/do edit it though, and I believe the official 45 single release was missing the line (as well as having a bunch of musical edits to shorten it). I never heard him comment about it being played uncensored, but I do remember him complaining in some old "History of Rock" type show that ran on PBS in

I'd say multiple additional seasons are a safe bet as long as the show isn't overly costly to produce. Otherwise it's not like it takes much in ratings for TBS to keep a series going.

But wasn't it also pretty much a flop? I know I'd forgotten it even existed until coming across the DVD while browsing around the video store a while back. (Yes, we still have a video store here!)

They did, there's a DVD release. As far as I know, all the videos and clips are still intact though I don't own it myself to verify but never heard of anything being cut.

God help me, I kinda liked Starship Troopers 3. It's cheap-looking and dumb, but at least they *tried* to capture some of the Verhoeven feel, which is more than can be said for the awful part two.

And so bizarre how there's still no real answer as to what happened. I mean, it's a given MTV just shitcanned it because it's not a reality show, especially with the way they burned through the episodes as fast as possible and then never reran them but it seems like they must still be hemming and hawing on the whole

I went Garfield too.  The designs of those pirate ghosts really did kinda unnerve me a bit as a kid.

For more full-frame fun, you can also frequently see unintentional nudity in open-matte transfers that wasn't visible in the theatrical screening!  Sometimes these too were "fixed" in later reissues.  I forget who or what movie, but I almost think there was some actress who threatened to sue a company because her

I always kinda figured they just liked it how it sounded and left it there, but that it was probably a flub.  Who knows, though.  And @—-, you could certainly have done much, much worse with "buy a CD for one song" album than "Regulate: G Funk Era."  I still give it a spin at least once or twice a year.

They weren't really Burton's flubs though, but rather flubs on the part of whoever was given the job of mastering the movie for 4x3 video/TV airings.  In the theatre, nobody would have ever saw those "mistakes," because the shots were composed in such a way as to hide them.  When transferring to video, they used a

Yeah, could definitely apply to any number of 80s/early 90s lifestyle/entertainment shows/segments, but I do think there's a specific reference point mentioned on the commentaries somewhere that it's a near shot-for-shot clone of the intro that was used for a lifestyle segment on a local Los Angeles station.  (Hell,

I kinda think on one of the Simpsons DVD commentaries Al Jean gives him a bit of ribbing for not doing the Critic commentaries and Lovitz claims he was never asked, or that if he was, somehow the word never made it to him.

@avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus - Season 3, but Sting is really barely in it.  He even gets immediately unceremoniously shoved out of the frame by Homer the second he reaches Bart.

As far as I know it was never even really considered as a story, they just hadn't used him in a while and when they were going to put him back in an episode, Shearer protested because doing the voice apparently strained his vocal cords so much that he was unable to do any others for a while after doing it.  So

That would be 2Pac's "Changes," which I think may have been the first single released after his death.  Not sure who sings the hook though, but it's not Pac himself.  (And I think the Hornsby sample was probably entirely a studio creation that Pac had no involvement with, because I know I've heard the same

I actually think Boomerang tends to have fewer commercial breaks than CN proper does.  Like I said earlier though, from what I've seen of the ones CN has been running in the mornings for a while now, it seems like they're mostly all intact and taken from the restored masters used for the DVD box sets.  Some of them