a b gezint

Alanis Morissette "Your House" at the end of Jagged Little Pill. Just a solo a capaella number a sad,sweet way to end a legendary (c'mon, you know it) album.


"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"?
"Ain't no thang!!" *slaps bible, bible slaps back*

"… a green salad?"
"Well what the fuck color would it be?!"
"Why are we eating here?!?!"
"Slaw cup?"
"What the hell."

No argument from me..
- Explaining Tenzing Norgay,
- "I'll allow it."
- Everything said by Heinz the Baron Krauss von Espy,

The Confession? Ben Kingsley is shown praying with a tallit early on - after he kills 3 people. But he was insane! But at least it was made as recently as ..1999? nevermind…

Traveling to remote locations while keeping kosher can be difficult. I was happy to find my local supermarket stocked L'Abriut self-heating meals. They work the same way as described in the article. Pour the small packet of water over the magnesium-infused styrofoam tray, slide tray and food back in the box, and don't

Paraneoplastic syndrome!

I must have missed something with that ending. So they prevented the associates from joining Canning - how does that solve the REAL problem they were trying to fix - namely, getting enough bodies in the office in time to complete the case?

"… escaping under cover of broad daylight, in the biggest car in San Fernando Valley.."

"Hollywood good looks"? Look at that picture - his brain is huge!

The minimum wage ads were denied, but the fake nazi ads weren't, somehow suggesting minumum wage is more offensive than nazi-ism.

I liked that Eli and Alicia gave exactly the same response when asked about Mama's Homespun Cooking show.

Who comes up with these questions?
Well, to be honest, one of our interns…
They’re awesome!
Me. I thought of all of them.

Or when Lisa reads from the Simpsons Encyclopedia to point out a plot hole.

"I can't wait to see what happens next week!"

Though initially not taken seriously, Peter's campaign is miraculously successful, and on the eve of his victory, Alicia divorces him. End series. You heard it here first!

Like a frightened turtle!

They'll hold our table for us because I made a res-.. I made arrangements in advance.