a b gezint

And this offends you as a jewish person?

Sounds like a money-grab to me. Any Jews who are particular about avoiding insects in fruit (the only relevant issue regarding the kashrut of strawberries) will check the fruit themselves when they get home anyway.
I've never seen strawberries advertised as 'kosher' in any kosher supermarket.

The single most important economic activity of European jews throughout the middle-ages was money lending.
Certainly wine making was practiced, even among the major scholars of the era (E.g. Rashi

Not all kosher wines are Mevushal (cooked), and some are indeed high quality. Baron Herzog has a very good reputation, most of them from California. http://winejudging.com/meda… , search Baron Herzog
You'd probably have to travel to a neighborhood with a reasonable sized jewish population to find a store with a decent

My only compaint is that, when the elevator dings to bring the bad guys, Gruber says "You were saying?" - nothing was stopping McClain from quickly shooting Gruber - he was standing unarmed RIGHT THERE!

"Hank… Kings-LEEEEEEEEEE!!"


"Nu-cle-ar WEssell."

Wheeler Girl: I lost my dog. We had to dig her collar out of a tree.
June Wheeler: She was Carol Ann's only friend.
Christine Sullivan: [Reads the tags on the collar] "Toto"?
Bob Wheeler: God knows what happened to the puppies.

I'm pretty sure it's spelled "Canadia"

What nin-cow-poop.

It doesn't always work. On Daniel Tosh's special (yeah, I know), 2 drunk hecklers were right there, front and center. He stopped his act, escorted them right out of the theater, then returned. It may have been a setup, but it seemed natural, and a pretty neat way of handling the situation.

"Signed by my two Jewish friends" was a perfect Jackie thing to say.

@disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus - excellent work on that Siri commercial, BTW. I, too, know the suffering of waiting for cookies to finish baking. "If I could save time in bottle", indeed.

Sky blue Star Wars bedsheets for the win!

"I finished the work 2 hours ago."

"May it please the court, I'm gonna jam for a while on this saxophone.."
Half his act was OJ, and it was all gold.

How about now?