a b gezint

You chew blue goo, too?

I once saw a guy whose first guess was so bad, the yodeler went straight to the top and fall. No one could believe it was happening - you could feel the contestant, Bob and the entire audience just begging him stop climbing, but to no avail. Hysterical!

"Sorry, but I have to agree with your friend Pheebs."

"Conn, sonar! Crazy prosecutor!"

Wait, you're supposed to dry before repeating? This explains so much about my hair…

"Yahoo! - You're all clear kid!" Pound lasers into the floor until you reach the exhaust port. Death Star recedes, then explodes the entire screen as Obi-Wan gently reminds you "The force will be with you…always." - and the next level begins.
Best. Arcade Game. Ever

Definitely up there, but also the 10 song; "…10 tiny turtles on the telephone, taaaalking to the grocery man…"

<<slap>>> A dozen hair nets!

"Two weeks from everywhere!" FTFY


"Colbert’s point was to show that if a TV character could pull this off with relative ease, then there’s nothing stopping someone with an actual political agenda from secretly driving a campaign."

Its a bi-weekly column - if she's still doing it, there should be a new one this week.

I was just unloading some groceries on Sunday, nothing special, then WHAMO! Lower back pain! still hurts 4 days later. I'm 37, so what I'm saying is, things will only get worse from now on. Happy birthday!

Destroy me now! Destroy me! Yeah - give it! Give it!

"I like this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it!"
— No one

Did you mean "Tamar" - as in daughter-in-law/mistress to Judah?
Because that works too.

You'll have to be more specific. There's gefilte fish (minced carp and/or whitefish), then there's pickled herring (aka "schmaltz"), which is probably the one you're referring to.
Virtually all fish are kosher, excluding predatory fish, e.g. shark and "shellfish" (lobster, crab, oyster, etc.)

Apocalypse Now ftw.
A crew of five, with two of them black, and guess which two die first?

I'm kinda surprised they included details of the location of Earth and the solar system on the Pioneer probes. One of the more realistic sci-fi stories I've read makes a strong case that providing potentially antagonistic aliens with the location of your home-world is something you should never, ever do . In the