a b gezint

That was the ugliest hunk of junk in the galaxy!

"Negative 555uhz, the pattern is full."


I get the same number for the new volume - 6,000 cubic ft, but my final weight is different:
4"x1.5"*1.5" = 9 cubic inches. Dividing by 1,728 (12^3) cubic inches per cubic foot = 0.00521 cubic feet in normal twinkie.
0.08 pounds / 0.00521 cubic feet = Density of 15.36 lb/cub ft. 6,000 cubic feet * 15.36 lb per cub ft =

So I'm the only who thought that when she mentioned he was born 1899, they were going for some sort of Excel-related zero-date issue? Yeah, thought so.
"You know, this might be a different person…"

Agreed - though she made up for it reading the profile of Holt's challenger who was born in 1899. "You know, this may be a different person…"

correction - "three-erty five minutes late!"

No love for "No Man's Woman"? There's a fine song - great build up, great hook - highly recommended if you've never heard it.

I believe there was a debate on Friends about this. Chandler said "WhaPAH!" and no one knew what that supposed to be. Joey made a "Whkshh" (no vocalization) which got universal approval. So there you have it.

Can "Thing We Were Unhappiest To Learn" be changed to "Thing We Were Unhappiest To Learn But Won't Cause You to Question Your Faith in Humanity"?

"Cut me some slack, jack!" I like yours, but I honestly don't know - they were talking over each other at that point, and I am always laughing too much to hear it properly.

Chump no want no help, chump no get no help! Fool ain't got no brains, anyhow.

100% - See my comment below. Especially egregious is the announcement whose sole purpose is to tell you the movie is now starting - except there's another announcement after that one!

I find most previews fun and exciting, and they are an absolute blessing compared to the theater's own pre-show announcements.
AMC is the worst offender. After 20 minutes of previews, a 1-minute no-cell phone spot that some executives must have just loved but really just makes me want to use my cell-phone to spite

No argument that cable companies do indeed suck, but their monopoly, like most monopolies, should be blamed on the government which guarantees it, rather than the company that benefits from it. If it weren't actually illegaI to compete against TWC, they'd have to work a lot harder at not sucking than they do now,

I'm still curious about what a 40-ft tall J Edgar Hoover would have looked like rampaging around the city.

Its the NCIS of TV dramas.

"The world is full of guys. Don't be a guy. Be a man."
Words to live by.