Miles Kendig

Why don't you just TELL me the kind of phrasing you'd like to see?

My personal "fuck yeah" moment was when the Romulan fleet decloaked and requested permission to join the DS9 task force.  Some senator must miss his Tal Shiar buddies.

I can't remember where I read it now, but there was something about a young Garak being routinely punished by being locked in a closet for days.

Those maniacs.  They blew up my Person of Interest / Elementary block.  Damn them to hell.

Or God, the Devil and Bob (which I actually liked).

I sell cocaine and cocaine accessories.

It does result in less beer!

I'm not diving into the other aspects of this thread, but I will point out that "point and shoot" has always resulted in more accurate shooting for me than trying to deliberately aim, at least with a handgun.  It's how I was raised, though.

I do a variation on that in bars.  I'm a slight white dude in a suit, and for some reason this translates as "Mormon" in the minds of my fellow drinkers.  With the bow tie I occasionally convince them I'm Nation of Islam, which is a whole other level of hilarious for me.



I like the running gag that none of Mr. Allen's clothes fit properly, even when he has them tailored.

"Now you listen directly to me!  I am going to show you what Christmas was like… for little Kosh."

I didn't mean to imply that the writing and acting on Kings was of a kind with The Cape.  They're just both cancelled NBC shows I'd like to see again.

Time to bring back The Cape! Also, Kings!

The olds didn't like his proposed Social Security reforms, either.

I like the real labrador… Mr. Bo, I think? Just chowing down mindlessly on what is supposed to be dog meat.

It wouldn't.  I wasn't going to finish in any case; I hope he knew that.  He just places a lot of stock in being surprised by games.


William Goldman.