Miles Kendig

There's also the fact that, while the Dax descendants got to experience multiple perspectives and lives on the colony, Odo is always Odo.  His perspective is probably closer to a vampire's; as our Odo ages he may walk the same path.

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus : I believe they call that a retronym, which is an awesome word that I will bust out with almost no prompting whatsoever.

Couldn't… or wouldn't?  They're so polite, those British.

I've got mixed feelings on the whole "Rio as the capital of Brazil" thing, mentioned in the review.  On the one hand, it made me throw up my hands and walk out of the living room, leaving my sister to enjoy her shitty movie.  On the other, the cynicism, balls, or self-awareness necessary on the part of the filmmakers

Nothing about this is fun.

Well, most of the smaller ships are designed for atmospheric flight when needed…

Craig has the right of it.  Aykroyd's comedic timing was inhuman back in the day.

I know Aykroyd is really into parapsyhology and the paranormal. How hard would it really be for him to write a screenplay about those subjects without the Ghostbusters?  Hell, the original idea for that film bears little resemblance to the finished product.

Yes, and Moriarty is so rarely mentioned in the canon he could be Sherlock's imaginary friend.  I meant that in most Sherlock adaptations, both characters are used far too often and in excess of their influence in the books.

Don't let the robbery spoil your day, Chopard rep.  It's only money, and not even yours at that.

iPhones are now being manufactured using the "Wonka method".

I seem to remember reading his arguments for the existence of a divine Jesus and, even as a young person, getting angry.  So Jesus was either a liar, insane or the son of God, and only the latter conclusion fits historical fact?  What the hell, man?

Consarn it.

Moonraker used to be the worst.  We could get into this in detail, but I'll just say this:


I knew Holmes' relapse was a feint because I've read, seen and listened to various versions of "The Dying Detective".  I thought it would be the season-ending cliffhanger, though.  That they resolved things, and Irene as Moriarty, caught me by surprise.

I hope we can agree that the worst Bond film is Die Another Day.

WHO?!  Who does not want to wear the "Far Beyond the Stars" rrrrribon?!

Kelso preferred Star Wars anyway.

Kurtwood Smith.