Miles Kendig

You're the second person I've ever met that has read A Night in the Lonesome October.

The real mystery is… who is taking the picture?

That was my introduction to Murakami and it's excellent, but I think I might go with "A Wild Sheep Chase" and "Dance Dance Dance".

I just want to throw this on the end of this here comment thread:

There's also the fact that the "la marseillaise" scene would be cheesy in a lesser movie.

The Great Outdoor Fight is poetry.

Abraham Lincoln: Witchfinder.

Rough him up, boys.

I use That Thing You Do! because Liv Tyler looks like an angel.

It might help that Jeselnik wrote jokes for Fallon when he first got the Late Night gig.

Have at you!

What's worse are the useless coworkers, even if they're nice people.  The ones who screw up every job assigned to them.  They're never fired, they're just given less and less to do until they're blissfully surfing the internet all day and sending me moronic joke emails.

I have a friend that asks about things like using a chair to be polite, but if he gets a "no" answer he claims that the social contract is broken and does what he likes.  His response to indignant sputtering is usually a dismissive, "call the cops".

Go… *hasty google search* Tigers!

Evolutionary psychology is hokum.

No Divinyls, with "I Touch Myself"?

ZOOEY:  Is that rain?

Those Dixie Chicks shouldn't have mouthed off like that!

No unauthorized props!

How come no one bags on the Final Fantasy series for its title?