
I didn't realize they were mutually exclusive.

Why do you think he's a misogynist?

That's not really fair. What about Give Me Liberty? What about Casey from Ronin? Also, what does it matter that Elektra died? Is there an argument that that's sexist?

My prediction: Rodriguez and the Departed fixer will keep this from being the shitfest you'd expect based on Miller's recent output.

I dunno, I don't think most fraternal relationships are so anchored in ab-maintenance and grooming.

I'll tell you what: we'll declare you the winner of this and every debate, I don't have to watch it, and we both leave winners.

Fuckin' Ziggy.

Okay. Kroll's comedy is broad and character-based, rooted in stereotypes and funny voices, and lacks incision and specificity.

He's Robin Williams for hipsters. End of story.

>>>his girlfriend Amy Poehler

>>>the story about Rick Ross dropping a large stack of money and the
ensuing debate over what's more valuable; the stack of money itself or
the time Rozay would spend bending down to pick it up. Pretty much the
most Rick Ross thing ever.

>>>$92,153,183.28, and that’s just his checking account

That's good. I hate everything this guy does. Says everything with grandiloquence and none of it is worth saying anyway.

I honestly thought Oliver's attributes consisted of (i) having a British accent and (ii) looking like a real correspondent. Style over substance, IMO. If he a schtick beyond the incongruity of yelling in a British accent I never saw it. And I'd bet his post-TDS career bears that out. Cenac was pretty good but

They really haven't had a star player since the two Stev/phens … Olivia Munn notwithstanding.

Did it get better later in the season? I watched the first few and thought it was a pretty weak Louie clone.

>>>Still, it seemed that his best days were behind him

"Everyone's too dumb to see how great I am." Ah, so Snyder uses the same cognitive dissonance-resistance tools as everyone commenter on the AV Club.

Is Obama coming for our smokes? Thanks, Michelle!

I just figured he was horribly abused and sublimating his repressed desires with food and bulimia.