
Speak for yourself, hippy.

Americanhispanicsdf strikes me as the target audience for this show.

Pretty sure it IS a criticism of fundamentalists since the show's villain says it and Gervais is a public atheist.

Why the fuck is this article here?

Great post. This deserves the front page of the GOT sub at the least.

Fuck the conventional view that shitty modern incarnations do not limit our enjoyment of the old good ones. Every continuing year reduces the ratio of good Simpsons episodes to bad ones and degrades even further this once-beloved institution.

Change "galaxy" to "modern-day London" and you've got a sale, mister.

Complaining about lens flare jokes has itself been beaten into the ground. I think it's time for a lens-flare joke revival.

In fairness neither is Jim.

I'm gonna guess feet.

Hopefully the first time Todd Barry has followed in Kim Kardashian's footsteps, not counting that time he fucked Kanye on a motorcycle.

>>>I feel weird having talked about the Amia stuff so much

I don't know. Maybe freedom of speech is an ideal of tolerating a wide variety of political opinions and restraining all of our institutions from punishing people for having ones that are politically unpopular. I mean, it could just be a narrow restriction forbidding only certain kinds of government interference, as

I would say at least 3/4 of any young man's life, even those of the most hardcore punks, consist of chasing after and thinking of women, so I'm not sure why that bears on anything.

Haha, it's true, Sam Neil was kind of a drip. (Hmm, as I type the foregoing it strikes me it's such a Burl comment.)

The official clothing line of film director John Woo.

Where's the part where he "vows revenge"? Or are you just blatantly making shit up to justify a Kill Bill allusion?

>>the punk scene as the After-School Special with brief forays into romantic comedy that it is

Rodential Adult.

Haha yeah. And don't forget Batman the Horse.