
That wasn't very good. This is what they CHOSE to show us? I hope this isn't the beginning of a Frank Millerish slide into terribleness.

You thought wrong. Punk is a way of life, like Scientology or a really expensive sofa.

Your argument is a bit incoherent, not to mention insulting. Maybe you could calm down and then try again.

What a farce. Punk isn't about standing up to dictators through non-violent political action. It's about sneering and ripping off record companies.

Dude honestly you sound like one of those Fox news anchors. "Some say Obama might be a terrorist born in Nigeria. Hey we're not saying it's true. We're just telling you that some people think that."

It's not a courtroom. But it is a public forum. And yeah, you shouldn't go around spreading baseless, damaging rumors about someone else even if you're not in court.

Really? You said "Woody merely put himself in a more favorable position to turn out the results he wanted." WTF was that referring to?

Why do people bring that up? The holocaust is no excuse to rape a kid. Nor is the bad faith of a prosecutor, even if the version of events as presented in a very one-sided movie is accurate.

@zxcvb See this is why you can't go around repeating these baseless rumors. Because then "Yolo Swaggins"—and I'm sure many more like him—take it as a fact.

The lie detector test was arranged by his own legal team. He refused to take one offered by the police.

I honestly don't think he did it. The whole thing smells so fishy. I'm perfectly willing to call a spade a spade, whatever their artistic merits. I wish to hell Polanski wasn't a filthy kid rapist because he might have better instincts than Allen as a filmmaker. But this whole thing just smells like horseshit.

Very possible I'm just not smart enough for Gravity's Rainbow.

That's true. I CONSTANTLY have to log in and out and since I have a twitter and other profiles, it's always logging me in to one of those. I assume it's a Discus issue but man is it annoying.

Infinite Jest as a chore? That's crazy talk to me. Thomas Pynchon, Don Delillo, those guys can be slogs. But Wallace is compulsively readable. And why exactly is it offensive for a white writer to attempt African American slang? This just seems like one of those silly grad school canards no one ever thinks very

I do not think you understand what my "argument" is.

I thought Dave Eggers was to blame for that.

Yeah you fucking newbie. Fucking scumbag. Fucking bitch ass bitch who doesn't even know the facts of the Great Late Night Wars of the 1980s! Just fucking kill yourself already!

Sounds like what Conan did to Jay.

I like some of Bobcat's movies and I LOVE that he set fire the Tonight Show set. Too bad most of his standup is worse than Leno's monologue. Seriously. It is. Listen to it if you don't believe me.

You acknowledge you don't know if it happened. You then dismiss the idea that anyone would feel pity for Allen. What if he's innocent?!? Can you imagine people accusing you of being a pedophile and you're innocent? Sure sounds like some shit to be pitied for to me!