
I like how Matchbox 20 doesn't even make the headline.

I like all kinds of music, except rap, country and spoken-word Yiddish poetry.

Like Jay-Z ever goes into that musty old claptrap.


Yeezus is undoubtedly a confrontational, avant garde, forward-thinking, conceptual work of genius. Counterpoint: it's the fucking Grammys.

I'm not watching but I thought it was nominated for five grammies.

Disagree. While the show was definitely their POV, they go out of their way to present their view as the objective truth.

Is the review a spoiler if I can read between the lines that her relationship with the dude doesn't work out?

They stand for peace and love! Do I have to draw you a diagram?

They were never fair with this show. They always went in with an agenda and then slanted the evidence to favor that agenda. I remember the AA episode was one of the worst examples. They had this hard-pushing libertarian on the "against" side and this meek, regular-joe speaking up for AA. You won't learn shit from

Horseshit, my dear Watson!

Fucking finally! Can't wait to watch and be disappointed by how poorly it fares compared to my memory.

Try Heartbeats (Live) and Kino (Live). If you like that you can dig in to their weirder stuff. In my experience they're kind of like The Big Lebowksi, where the more you listen to them, the better it gets. And I think that's true for most of their good stuff (they have some overly experimental pieces that don't

Depends on your taste. I think they're amazing but probably not your thing if you want more traditional rock music.

I think they're really respected by a wide circle of critics and deservedly so. They're kind of like the prestige pic that's not going to make the studio much money but might earn an Oscar or something.

I was listening to The Knife just as I saw this headline! Wow I love these guys so much. And I found out about them from the AV Club. Which is unusual, because usually all the music section does is enrage me with its overemphasis on Animal Collective!

That's not really the point. Armond should have been kicked out. No question. But I do think it's unfortunate that a voice that could be an important counterbalance to studio hype has, through no one's fault but his own, been further marginalized.

Yeah, and nothing I said contradicts that. What I am saying is that, IMO, he IS an important voice and it's a shame to see him further marginalized, even though he brought it on himself.

It really is a shame because we NEED more contrarian critics. White does have a special ability to immunize himself from studio hype. And we shouldn't ignore the fact that he's black, as there is a dearth of black critics. That being said, White is definitely lying his ass off when he claims that wasn't him.