
In fairness to Woody, he did pass a lie detector about the supposed molestation.

Look at her smug entitled face.

You're saying it's an intra-black insult?

But … White is Black.

"Your movie is shit. You shouldn't be directing movies, you should be a doorman or a garbageman!"

No doubt. But is there a critic out there whose biases don't influence their criticisms? For White's part, I would say keep those in mind when reading his work but don't ignore him. He can really kind of blow your mind with his explanations of why the latest Adam Sandler shitfest deserves your attention.

Listen to the interview. You might be surprised. I know I was.

The preferred nomenclature is "Asian-American".

But they're not either/or. You can be a jerk who commits a lot of bad behavior while also being a serious-minded critic.

That's pretty attenuated IMO.

I care about him. You should hear him interviewed on the Slashfilmcast. You might be surprised by what a serious, thoughtful critic he is. He's really not a troll. He means what he says. He's defensive, frequently misguided, possesses a lot of personality defects. But as a critic, he's smart and serious.

You guys are out of your friggin' minds. That shirt is awesome.

I don't understand how that's race-baiting. Garbagemen and doormen can frequently be white or latino for that matter.

Billy Murray on Parks n Rec? But he's a timeless comedian beloved by all races and generations and P n R is just some shitty hipster comedy du jour!

Look at how self-conscious she is. How can you not love her?

I like when the yuppie murdered that crazy lady. Such great character work!

Ridiculous to have a conversation about public intellectuals without mentioning Noam Chomsky. He illuminates abstruse foreign policy with clarity and even wit.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

To me, Giovanni Ribisi will always be defined by his role as a sullen slacker in Richard Linklater's SubUrbia, a role that would have been an exemplar to many AV Clubbers. Hurts to see what he's become.

You're right … I criticized a celebrity … god, I'm just … I'm so sorry …