
Seems unproductive to give an actor's vanity rap project this much attention and thought.

I think Tim Meadows' life has been as disappointing as many of ours. He peaked in a movie he didn't really like, didn't succeed as well as his contemporaries and has now been defined, by the world and himself, by that unsatisfying peak. Poor bastard.

I honestly don't know which one you mean …

This … is BULLSHIT!

Zack Snyder! David Goyer! Ben Affleck! HOLY SHIT THIS MOVIE'S GONNA ROCK!

Thank you for mentioning Strawberry Switchblade. I only knew Rose McDowal through her neo-folk collaborations (hmmm, now I'm wondering if her band's initials being SS is a coincidence ….). She's pretty much my ideal cute goth girl. Those songs are great. Wonder what Rose is up to. It's very hard to get recent

I like that pretty lady from House of Cards, but damn that lady needs a sandwich.

>>>So every character in a movie has to have complete story line or they are just a race prop?

I lose your meaning in all that argot but it seems like the black characters have no story of their own. They seem like they're just there to fuck the white chick. The fact that they're both fucking Lemon Incest over there at the same time, instead of having their own storylines, doesn't seem like an accident.

I feel like those black dudes could do better than Serge Gainsbourg's daughter, but maybe they like being used as racial props.

Now he's about as dumb as Einstein! Way to go, Einstein.

That Natasha Leggero, though …

Really? I'm a fan of her comedy but her TV show always struck me as dumbed-down Mr. Show.

I love me some Bill Murray, but he recycled that shit for many, many years—surely longer than Vaughn has been recycling his. The real difference is (i) Murray's old schitck is better than Vauhgn's and (ii) Murray has the capability to do many other things, as he knew early on (e.g., The Razor's Edge, while the rest

I know! Guy drugs and sodomizes one 13 year-old and fuckers can't let that shit go!

Roman Polanski, R Kelly—what is it, kidfuckler's week at the AV Club?

One dresses funny and the other one don't. They're the original odd couple!

Know what, dumbshit?

Even for molesting kids?

"Girl" is right.