
I like Breaking Bad, and this looks pretty sweet, but this looks like the kind of shit dumbshits like to add to their "library".

I don't know those guys. But from your description, they sound like artists who committed crimes. GG's crimes WERE his art.

Sounds amazing.

GG walked the line between artist and criminal like no one else.

Again with the cheerleader-bashing!

Those sound like BDSM codenames.

>>>what remains the greatest comic strip of all time. (And no, that’s neither hyperbole nor up for debate.)

I can't help but read her name in Don Pardo's blustery baritone.

I hear you, but wasn't this filmed in California? Lots of Chinese people live in California. You can say they're Chinese-American, but that's very likely too fine a distinction for this six year-old.

I honestly don't believe you guys would be acting the same way if it was a southern kid making a joke about killing all black people. And if you think that's an unfair comparison, keep in mind we have gone to war or waged a bombing campaign against Asian countries on many occasions.

The Chinese government seems thoroughly corrupt. Why does that make it okay to joke about killing all Chinese people, though?

See Pi.

But Kimmel DID make the joke. It aired on his show. Are you trying to argue it was a live feed or something? Because they had discretion in airing the joke.

Yes, if there's something the world needs more of, it's the celebration of actors. Truly the highest calling of man!

I think they're more interested in him suffering, actually.

That's not what I said. Nor do I agree with it. You are either a bad reader or you are distorting what I said to make your own weak-ass point.

Crowe does resemble Biko, no doubt about it.


But first a real-life Itchy and Scratchy: a rabid mouse who attacked and killed a small cat.

I actually thought the Fountain was mostly practical effects but I don't know for sure. I agree with you, that movie, whatever its flaws, was startlingly beautiful.