
Despite this article's mocking tone, I think the Chinese have a right to be offended. Why the fuck did Kimmel air that shit? I get it, he's a talentless provocateur, and if it wasn't for racist bullshit he wouldn't have a show. But I agree with a Chinese friend who said Kimmel's apology wasn't shit and Kimmel

I'm an Aronofsky devotee, but this looks like it has a suspiciously high quotient of lame-ass CGI.


Toup it up, m'man. People who tell you to be "true to yourself" and all that bullshit: what a bunch of shallow fucks. Who you are is INSIDE. OUTSIDE is all about presentation.

Really, that dork they always ditch in the Hangover movies is a national treasure, is he?

This show used to have some artistic merit. Now it's just about filling up Jonathan Murray's 58 year-old maw with cash.

That doesn't prove they're full of shit. It more likely means that they respect his views and activism, even if they disagree with him on some important points.

Exciting news for herd-worshipping trend-followers like myself.

I loved his last solo record, Monogamy. Don't care for Cursive. Excited to see he's got another solo record out. Thanks for reading to the end.

Why would you do such a thing?

It turns out the librarians were dead the whole time!

That gloved finger reaching over is a little menacing …

Just a gangster I s'pose.

Her music is pretentious and boring, plus she got a million fucking dollars and then tried to act like paying her backing band with hugs and brews instead of cash like she got was a cool thing. Ultimately she knuckled under the pressure, all while acting like it was a teachable moment or some shit for her when you

What if they were? What if someone wore a short skirt and that caused some lunatic with poor impulse control to rape someone? How is that relevant to anything?

Rape is about a lot of things. Sometimes it's about sex, sometimes it's about power, sometimes both. I don't understand the insistence people have on saying it's about power, not sex. Does making it about sex mean it's any less deplorable?

She's better with her backing band, The Pinkertons.

I've wondered that too. I think the idea is that "friend with the cleft asshole" describes everyone in the world.

Nagin shocks me more. I can't believe he would be so stupid. Even Avon and Stringer know you don't get in a room with dope on the table.

Trial?!? Jesus.