
Haven't watched this show this season yet.  Is it growing and changing or just kind of treading water?

You know what, it totally is.  She could totally have her Ray of Light stage, with critics giving her work undue attention and praise because of her past fame.

"I tend not to tell women how to handle their own sexuality" is the new "I'm not a racist, but …"

I like her.  She takes life seriously.  It's a serious thing.

She gave someone advice for dealing with their problems though she herself has problems!  The hypocrisy of it all!

I don't watch Glee and I don't get that reference but I still laughed.

Hot thtuff coming through!


>>>hosted by Jason Schwartzman

Walt looks very different in those two pics…

@avclub-90a5da808b7409c044aac94d490e7f0d:disqus Me too.  There are dozens of us.  Dozens!

Anne Hathaway is a regular character now?  Somehow this show keeps finding new ways to increase the suck.  

The holdings are vast, not the real estate.

I hate him because I loved his music and then he sold out so INCREDIBLY WELL and ruined something that I love.  And when someone asks him about it he says "well in punk rock even making a living is selling out" which is the stupidest kind of sophistry.  And then some other idiot chimes in with "oh I guess artists

The wholesomeness only makes the transgressions more offensive.

As I get older, I find myself less interested in Moby's music and more interested in his vast real estate holdings.

If you're a million years old making the protagonists lesbians probably seems like a "cool", "edgy" thing to do.

A combined 486 years in the entertainment news industry and he's the closest thing they have to a celebrity friend.

Violating French labor laws amounts to only paying people who show up for work.