
@avclub-241b2421faecd6ca0aaa67cb80e8a634:disqus You have no idea what the real story is.  None of you do.  You're malinging this woman without ever getting her side of the story. You're a fucking moron if you think her account of it wouldn't differ from her ex-husband's.   I was joking about the "democracy doesn't

So basically you are calling a woman you've never met a bitch, on the basis of a summary of a podcast that got exactly one side of the story?  YOU, my friend, are the reason democracy simply doesn't work.

You came to the AV Club for positivity?

It seems like shitty maids is much more of a third-world problem. Places like India and the Phillipines, maids are way more prevalent than in America.

"Bitch"?  I guess you must have heard her side before declaring some woman you've never met is a bitch, huh?

Have you seen Arrested Development?  He ages.

I thought that picture was Morrissey.

"Hedonic damages"?  Sounds fun.

That's great, champ.  

You know what, the proper response to Seth MacFarlane is just to ignore him.   Just focus on all the great books, movies, music out there.  Why would someone so marginally talented deserve your scorn?  It's like haranguing some street artist for not understanding perspective.  The only difference is that MacFarlane

New York, Springfield, and if they have time, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles.

Great music is my crack/pot!

Marah, I want to harangue the appropriate person to make sure the decade-in-the-making new Secret Chiefs 3 record is reviewed, assuming you can fit them in between covering Kanye West and the latest Animal Collective solo project.  To whom would I direct such harangue?  Thank you and a good harangue to you all.

Yeah, but I can be clear about my political opinions and defend them, so please don't suggest our opinions carry equal weight.

I'm comparing your comment, which I think is pretty offensive, to the ones that got Ward Churchill in trouble.  How exactly is the US' economic climate "culpable" for 9/11?

Lou, bring back Folk Implosion, please.

If you don't think planes hit the building, you're a truther.  It's a pretty easy litmus test.

>>>Pynchon is not a Truther, but he is savvy enough to realize that the
U.S.’ economic and political climate is more culpable than not for 9/11,
and beyond.

He looks more like Hal Jordan …. Jr.

Paparazzi are a big problem in your life, are they?