
How much will they have to pay Kanye if they talk to themselves?

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus No interest in others?  He talked Uncle Jack into giving Walt a whole barrel back!  That's MILLIONS of Todd's own money.  It would have been a lot easier for him to have killed Walt and taken all the money, especially as he has Jesse to cook/teach him how to cook.

I don't agree with him about Robocop 2.  That movie's got a pretty strong anti-privatization message.

Why does "the Man" need activists again?

I'm Not Still Here

I can't imagine anyone ever watching a new movie in fragments on Youtube.  That sounds fucking horrible.

You sound like the guy from the Room (the novel, not Tommy Wiseau).

You, sir, have inspired me to try it.  But I keep thinking it'll be like that sappy scene in Extras where that shitty music plays while Maggie looks around her apartment.

He had two jokes, he told them, now he's scraping out the dregs.

That man is autisti … misguided.

@theglasscase:disqus I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Such a howdy-doo-dat.

If you get any of Sean's jokes … you might be a douche.

I don't believe this will ever happen but my god would it cool if it did.

Fuck you say about Milton Berle?!

I think they aim for "recognizable guest star" most weeks and then call it a day.

What comes after "stop, stop, it's already dead"?

Does Sal have a combover?  I thought he just had limp, overly shampooed hair.

'R' Me Again?

I like him.