Hortense the Mule-Faced Girl

It's been a bad year for God, it seems.

Addendum - if you worked on it, you can diss it. Nobody who was part of that show liked it.

It's the Horatio Alger myth. A lot of America buys into it, even those who know better, because the idea that one will be able to get out of the cycle of work and debt if they just work a liiiitle bit harder is compelling.

We are all born anew in your greatness.

What a ripoff! I'll watch it for the bargain price of 59 dollars and 100 cents!

i've seen that picture

Headline should read "Bunch of Attention-Whoring God-Bothering Oldbags Find Something To Get Offended About Despite None of Them Watching Anything More Secular Than Fox News".

re: Odie's lineage, he's a mixed breed - his mother was a beagle and his father was a brick.

"News from Me".

It was meant to be an Eden allegory.

Rolling a discussion of the Garfield Halloween special into a question about the infamous "alone" strips.

I will treasure this concept for all my days.

Wow, I've never seen elitism so bad that it actually stank through my computer screen. Kudos to you, you self-righteous cockend.

What is a "self-appointed 'anti-racist'"?

I was about to condescend to your level and explain why you're wrong. Then I thought better of it and read your comment history.

You should go find it. Sell it on eBay as a L@@K SUPER RARE SHAQ FU!!!!!1

I personally like how Nintendo Power trashed Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City in their 100th issue:

Talking shit about ReBoot.

To be fair, she does a pitch-perfect Betty Rubble laugh.

Speaking of blood, let's see how much is in the common spammer!