
I seem to recall some earlier discussions about whether the whole idea of Olivia having been a Cortexiphan kid was a retcon.  I thought it was odd that the conversation between Walter, Peter, and Olivia specifically stated that the first time Olivia saw Walter was in St. Claire's, but then they went on to discuss her

I felt the same way. I also think our Walter would have reacted more Star Trekily than this one.

I liked this episode, but found it highly implausible that the agents wouldn't have worn Hazmat suits to attack Gus.

I also still think we're in for some hot Peter-in-Olivia action via the magic of souuuuuuuullll magnets.

I dug Olivia's braid.

I also thought this week's thematic tie-ins were less ham-handed than last week's "tether him to the world."

I predict that soul magnets will play a role in bringing Peter back.

Didn't they have an episode in the 1st season where somebody had that condition? That would lend credence to the fan theories that this pregnancy has been planned by Walternate, et al for a while if his cure for VPE was part of "the Pattern" back in S1.

I don't think it's necessarily common knowledge that the baby is Walternate's grandson in Universe B, so the subterfuge might have been necessary to keep it a secret. With that said, I'm sure the blood test would get entered into a computer at some point, and that Walternate could look at it then. Not sure why he

Thought this was a pretty solid episode
I agree with some of the other commenters here who have pointed out that the alt-Fringe team has been together longer and has an easier chemistry because of it.

This is one of my favorite movies
I was willing to stake my Pulitzer on this film being a "Secret Success."

I concur. It felt like it was a self-conscious move by the writers, like "Don't worry about us getting all relationshippy— it's important to the plot!"

I generally love Earth 2 eps, and I mostly liked last week's episode, though I concur with other commenters that they were obviously roaches. Mainly though, I thought the pregnancy thing was too predictable. Over the longer term, I've come to accept the pregnancy and trust that Fringe won't go the cliche' routes.

I thought this was much better than last week
In some ways, I think this redeemed some of the cheesiness of the past two weeks, where Fringe has been telling and not showing. This hit the emotional cues and moved the story forward nicely. I liked this one a lot.

Did anyone think they were implying Altstrid might not be human?
When Frank kept saying "one of you," I was thinking that they were going to reveal that she wasn't fully human.

@Golden Agouti Goebbels,
Great name, but wasn't Goebbels into little boys? Gimmick fail, etc.

Actually, my old theory is further shot to hell upon further reflection. Alter-Bell died as a child in the other universe, so, there wouldn't be a Fauxlivia if Bell & Nina were her actual parents.


I thought it was interesting that Nina was taking such an interest in her. I had a theory for a minute lduring the 1st season that Olivia is actually the child of William Bell and Nina, but that theory would tend to make more sense if her sister and her niece weren't recurring characters on Fringe (as well as her

I requested that book from the library years ago, but somebody lost it before I got my turn. Is it worth the effort of trying to get my library to order another copy to read it/just buying the damn book?