
I personally think you should go back and watch the first two seasons before watching the rest of this season. The show is incredibly serialized and you won't really have the full context of the storytelling without seeing the journey from the beginning. :)

Thank you. I put that line there to give Matty some juice. And he never cheated on Jenna. This moment comes from Matty in a place of awakened realization that the girl he loves is not this girl right now. And I love it because he gives Matty strength. He's strong enough now to stand up for himself in both love and

That thought has never crossed my mind with this show. This is a comedy first and foremost. And this is perhaps the darkest episode.

It was. We were purposely showcasing the tragedy of Sadie's life.

Kevin works for the family business. We've never said what it is but I've envisioned his family owns a food company that is run out of Long Beach. Based on my friend's family's business. And we have mentioned that he did go to college. Lacey did not. and yes, they can afford to live in PV but are not incredibly

That house has suites. Jenna has a suite as do her parents. When we shot the pilot we used a big bedroom in a house on a location that we could fit the cameras and crew in and then had to match it for series. But Jenna lives in Palos Verdes, an affluent area of california, and houses there do have bedrooms like

This is true. Collin has sex to have sex and if she's not into it — he'll tune out in that moment. But he'll be annoyed for her teasing him into thinking it's gonna happen. He's not trying in coerce her but she's leading him down a path to believe certain things are happening between them. Things that she hasn't

This back half of Season 3 is the Ming season! Lots to enjoy for the next few episodes!

I totally did!

You get it! Thank you!

Sadie is totally and completely over Matty. She had a crush in season 1 which definitely fueled the fire for her hatred of Jenna. But once she made out with Matty in episode 201— she was over him. It was overrated in her opinion. I have no idea what the new show runners plan for Season4 but a relationship between

Season 3 is their junior year.

Yes- this is all real life, real teenage behavior. I would defend and contend that we didn't jump the shark. We thoughtfully said, "what would I do here if I was her- or what DID i do when I was like her at this age?" Most of us have had moments like this. Shit. I even still have them in my 30's (not proud) but I've

Thank you for this comment. It's incredibly validating and beyond appreciated!

Lol! I loved it. No offense taken - at all!

I'm not sure what will happen to Jenna down the road post her Junior year because I am no longer in charge of the show or the vision. I don't really know the two fellas who the network hired to run the show for season 4 and thus, we've had no dialogue specifically about the vision of the show moving forward. So, where

We've back doored before. In the pilot and we also had a "b-hymen" run for a few eps in Season 1 too. If I've offended anyone— many apologies. I'm a nice girl with a dirty mouth.


Thank you. I don't know if i've ever been called a monster (at least not to my face) but I'll take that as a compliment! ;)

Why? There is a huge Asian influence at the hs that this show is based on. I was inspired to create the mafia based on what real kids told me in Palos Verdes, CA