
VivianLu- I am sorry that you seem to take my actions- limited as they were- in the wrong context. I have no hate toward the new writers or the show. I was retweeting being missed- that's it, that's all. I even say on this site to watch the show. Written before you attacked my character. Perhaps folks- like you-

I appreciate ALL of your thoughts! Thank you for sharing!

Again, disagreeing. Our self-esteem is not a constant. It ebbs and flows with life. Jenna is a teenager. She is only just beginning to know herself. Jenna's actions were based on her own self-absorbed feeling that she could have it all without recourse. She was not just reactive to the characters around her- she in

It did make me cry. Thank you for that beautiful review of Season 3.

No chance. I've moved on. :)

To all my wonderful friends and fans on the AV Club- I want you to know that I appreciate all the love and support you've given to me and my work. i have not watched any of Awkward's fourth season - nor will I (out of respect for the new show runners and self-preservation for myself) To that end, I will not be

Jessica booked a big network show.

I left of my own volition too. For self preservation. But I did not get to choose my successor. I would have handed the reigns with love and support to Erin.

Yes. Watch the show! The show could work better for some folks than when I ran it.

Ming was better than ever in season 3.


As the creator of the show, I respectfully disagree with you.

We knew that we were telegraphing the end but what we were trying to do was show that for as much as Jenna had grown…she still hadn't full evolved beyond herself— which gives us room for the story in the finale. The fun of jenna's journey is that she is real. And for the first time in series— our every girl— is not

This may be my favorite teaser of the entire series.

Collin makes an appearance in 320

Thanks to everyone for continuing to comment. I want to just make a public shout out here to Erin Ehrlich who wrote and directed Episode 319 as well as Executive Produced the series with me. Episode 319 was, in my humble opinion, a reflection of the show at its best— and was in the hands of one of only a few that

Well, this episode as well as the finale were broken as 1/2 hours— as part of a very well-thoughtout arc so it was not easy to meat them out but we took the opportunity to play with scenes (like seeing Val's home for the first time) in a way that we couldn't otherwise do. Erin Ehrlich really made some magic happen

She went with Jake to the winter formal

Tamara's reaction is part of her own evolution. I felt that if she had a totally selfish reaction to the kiss post what she did by running against Jake that we would not have empathy for her. Plus, I feel like she's learned some valuable lessons post the Ricky era. Tamara is also a warm character who doesn't hold

the gunshot was what prompted the period. Lol