
Wow. Thank you. That is some really high praise. And I will say, thank you on behalf of the original creative team (who have all left with me) that this means a great deal to each one of us. This show was very specific and personal work. We cared tremendously about the quality of the show. And while just a teen

keep watching! ;)

David, thank you for sharing this with me. This is so special. For me, this show was so personal and special and the fact that it brought you so much comfort is such a gift for me. Storytelling has always been in my blood. I'm an avid consumer of great stories - in tv, film, books, songs, theater and conversation. I

Kieraaa- thank you for sharing this with me. It sincerely warms my heart to know that the show provides you with comfort. Especially during your time of transition. That is exactly why I got into the business of television. The shows of my formative years were my friend, comforter, escape and my bit of sanity when

Thank you for this post. You sure know how to make a gal feel appreciated! xo

Hunter was a one episode character but Bailey was created to be a friend to Jenna that she made outside her circle. Someone jenna sees herself in as she's trying to redeem herself with her old friends. We had never given Jenna a new friend and we wanted to see her make one.

I had a plan for the character but given that the wonderful actress has booked a big new series— she's most likely not coming back. I suspect the show is going to feel like a new show moving forward.

Oh, I know. It has been a very crazy journey for me to write and experience these characters. I cried many a tear writing this show over the past 4 years and even more tears since leaving the show and knowing it would no longer be the show I created. The last four years of my life have taught me more about

I knew girls like Hunter. I partied with them in hs. They do come back. They do hook-up and usually its nostalgia or they are having hard times in college and hs is the warm, comfortable old shoe where they used to reign supreme.

All i can say is ….Out of my hands. I tried to changed it. it bumped me something awful.

For the record- the period is not supposed to be part of the title. My supervising editor added it in post when we created the title card and we liked it never thinking it would be considered part of the title. It's not. there is no period. You can drop it now that you know the truth. ;)


Thank you. She's my best project to date!

You are so kind. My decision to leave was incredibly painful and difficult to make. The show was as personal as it gets for a show runner and no one loved it or worked harder on it than me. It's very strange to see the show go on without the key creatives but there are wonderful folk still working on it and its


Yes. That was my shout out to Myles and the awesome AV community. you all are the icing on the cake to my work!

Molly took the brilliant script written by Erin Ehrlich and made is sing even more in her performance. Molly is a true gem of the series!

we had big ancillary plans for sadie's twitter feed but when I had to make the decision to leave — it died. MTV has an INCREDIBLE social media team but without me leading the charge to exploit the twitter feed, I think it just fell by the wayside. It was an unfortunate casualty of my departure.

MTV owns the show and since I have left, i have no idea if a spinoff would happen. The characters are about to age out of high school so I don't see a future for a spinoff. But i too love ming and the mafia. I'm not sure if that storyline will run past this season.

thank you so much! xo