
You did! You've hated him from the start. But at least you aren't annoyed at the Team Matty vs. Team Jake anymore.

Agreed. And that's how it was written. If you look at Twitter- girls across America are heartbroken. #iaccomplishedmygoal

Myles, you got this episode. In almost all respects. To understand what I was thinking with this episode… this was an episode that solely was meant to be a "break up" episode. The goal: tell it in a unique and interesting way. But how could we do that without it being a "sob fest"? Answer: stay out of Jenna and

While she isn't taking full responsibility she's also acknowledging her immaturity. It's real. Jenna's not perfect.

Thank YOU for taking the time to write this. This means the world to me. xo

It has been genuinely one of the worst times in my life to walk away from Awkward. This show has been deeply personal to me. And four years of love and exhausting work. I can not tell you how much your words mean to me. Truly. Thank you. the only reason I work in this crazy business is to be a storyteller and

I have a pilot commitment with ABC and put pilot with NBC — not sure what will happen but I am writing new stuff I love. It's more adult but still with my spin. I hope that it will be stuff that fans of my work on Awkward will enjoy.

Wait til next week… dying to hear what you think of that story.

Thank you for your faith in me. Some of our most creative and bold episodes have yet to air. But keep watching— it all culminates into a beautiful, beautiful end. For the record, all the creative forces who made the show what it is - have all left the show with me. So this is our swan song. The show is now in the

This just warmed my heart to no end. I've been incredibly bummed since leaving the show — despite valid reasons for doing so. I'm really proud of my final 10 episodes. To me- episode 20 of S3 wraps up a full story since the pilot. To me— it's the real series finale. I'm so interested to see what you think when

I tried! I tried to get it uncensored…to no avail.

Hi all-  this is Lauren. The creator of Awkward.  I just want to say that I genuinely appreciate how awesome the AV Club has been by way of critics (Myles- i adore you) and commenters.  Thanks to everyone who watches the show and posts about it.  Good, bad or ugly— i have thoroughly enjoyed the discourse.  On a

Thank you for your thoughts.  The best part of making a show is getting to hear what people think.  And thank you for watching what i work so hard to make!

Stick with it. There are some really great twists and turns and hopefully satisfying payoffs.

Thank you for that lovely compliment.  I can only hope that I am getting better on the page with every season.  My idea for Matty this season (who has always been the most complicated character in my eyes) was to go on a journey where he sort of became the new Jenna for awhile. The lovable, selfless underdog.  I'm

Hey there!  I didn't take any insult to your comment.  I am really open to any and all comments and criticism or counterpoints to my work.  I'm just sincerely grateful that anyone cares enough to spend time to comment.  I took some really big artistic risks to tell a really powerful teenage journey this season and

Hey- its Lauren Iungerich- the creator here. I love the dialogue that's been happening this season.  Here are my thoughts on the choices I've made.  We are telling a much longer arc this season.  And while it may seem unsatisfying,  there is a method to the madness. I spent the first two seasons taking an underdog to

I had no idea the DVDs weren't uncensored!  I just looked at mine.  That was not supposed to happen. Am working to make the Season 3 ones uncensored.  Sigh.  MTV!!!

Hey all it's Lauren - the creator.  There is no message here.  I am personally pro-choice and also felt it was within the realm of character of Lacey to give advice to her daughter about being the vigilant one since she herself was a teen mom.  Whether you agree or disagree with me, once a girl gets knocked up - she

The period is just flare- not part of the title.  I know. I'm the creator.