
Kate Beaton for Governer-General of Canada! Let's make it happen, people!

It sucks that FAILlon is gonna get all the interesting bands now. Fucking Chickenfoot? Really?

Awesome movie btw. I cried like a Little Woman.

Yeah! Fond memories of taping them (remember VHS!) playing "Catch The Sun" on Conan.

Yeah, nothing could ruin Corona. Double Nickels is perfect. Always makes me feel better about life. I guess it's like vodka in that way.

I demand the best from my dope-smokin' junkie white trash felons.

you're out of your element.

I think he (Worm) will be periodically filling in for Max, so they just made him a permanent fixture.

Kids, I've got Typos!

That's phantasmagorical! Norm is the best:

…it was STIRRING…

Yeah, I swear the first couple nights I kept getting distracted by the backdrop. It was stippeing deep seated Nintendo memories! Cheers to the eagle eyed nerd that made the connect.

The characters names are a shout out, they're not the actual actors from the movie.

"The Jewfros are our misfortune."

Yeah, for me Sublime = awful beach parties and getting stoned with friends from high school that I have less and less in common with. Definitely Summer.

Not hard enough apparently.

@Pedant: I realized that after I'd posted, but I'd just drank a 1.89 L Slurpee, so I was flying too high to care.

That (Stolen) sounds dreamy, Danus. Art theives are pure class.


Siberian gets a pass for the Moomin avatar. 4 life.