
Cheese - Danny Devitos appearances on talk shows also support your theory. Aside from the admittedly soused The View segment, his spots on the Craig Ferguson show only differ in the sense that he's maybe slightly less drunk.

On second thought I withdraw the "ever published" qualifier. I'm not that well read.

Sheltie, you are a fucking Moron.

The first film of his I saw (Nobody Knows), I found in a dvd spinner rack at a hardware store (Home Hardware, for the canucks who know).

Fugazi just got better and better.

I live in canada, and (when I had cable) used to see Nutella ads all the time. Are they not common in the states? And Nutella is great stuff too. When I'm in a fat Elvis kind of mood I treat myself to a PB, Nutella and banana sandwich (I don'y fry it though, because that would probably taste so good I'd never stop

You wish you were that passionate about anything.

Duck thought they were already in cahoots together, don't forget.

You're right, it was coffee. Well, maybe he's got the reefer madness. It would explain his thinking turtlenecks are a good idea.

"Everyone in stripes…"

Looked like water to me… OR Vodka with a splash of Gin.

I just assumed they were joking. Like Michael Richards!

Nobody wants to name their kid Gene.

@ricin: I'm pretty sure Don bringing in flowers was the day after the waiting room.

I hope the show makes it to the seventies at least (if only because I picture Don dressing like Paul Rudd in Anchorman at that point).

Plot points aside, that sit-down between Don and Peggy was kinda epic, and surprisingly touching. Don casually shooting down Peggy. The look on her face and tone of her voice: "Third time… must be old hat…", "I look at you and I think… I want what he has" etc.

The road IS long…
With many a winding turn,
That leads us to who knows where,
But I'm strong,
Strong enough to carry him,
He ain't heavy, he's my SON.

I imagine some 'prestige' directors are allowed to cut their own trailers. No way did some accountant approve A Serious Man's.

I don't know about this Bernal fella, but I hear Willem Defoe is in 4 (four!) films showing at TIFF. He's an eager beaver.

Yeah, it's kind of one of those happy accidents I think. He's the reason I started watching Parks & Rec.