
That sounds harsh, because it's still pretty interesting.

This would be 100x more interesting if Lynch was actually involved in the process, rather than just presenting.

It's gonna take a while for him to find his RIDDIM.

I'd hit that shit.

I'd like to see the series end with Walt enjoying a career as a successful sitcom actor (nom de plume: Briar Cranston).

I always liked him in Thin Red Line (Cavaziel). But not much else, now I think about it.

That's the question America is asking.


Just "alternative" stuff on my list, 'cuz a steady diet of Image comics/WIZARD in my youth killed my love of superheroes forever.

Well Seth has certainly got that market cornered.

AV Club only gives the shout-out once they're dead. Ruthless!

Law & Order used to be NBC's "prestige" show. Back when such a thing existed.

I always got a kick out of Dawn riding double with Spike on the motorcycle. With the football helmet.

Gay babies are the future! Fun, full of sass, and totally non-threatening.

"Just Once In My Life (I Want To Shoot You In The Face)"

"Chained Melody"?

"You've Lost That Livin' Feeling"

Herzog should have a full time documentary crew following him 24/7. The Herzog Channel, Coming Soon.

Is it even funnier that all the celebrities in that video are just as bad/worse than Cage? Layers?